Просмотр полной версии : On December, 03rd 2004 17 : 45 : 18 Good evening. On March, 3rd, 2004 has fallen in mountains n...

Maria, 27 years, Moscow
19.07.2004, 22:51
On December, 03rd 2004 17 : 45 : 18
Good evening. On March, 3rd, 2004 has fallen in mountains on a board - a stretching of ligaments or cords golenostopa. Half a year of any loads (only a bicycle - subtracted or deducted, that is useful), flat footwear, etc. in the Summer of 1 times pricked a homeopathic preparation "Purpose". Now 10 j month has gone. Massazhiruju ointment "Dolgit". But the leg or foot periodically - former oshchutimo hurts, I limp. Suspiciously longly it lasts. To itself to address what to do or make (or that to not do or make) - I sportivno-obezdvizhena already almost year. Soon again mountains and tears on eyes navorachivajutsja from comprehension that I can not katatjasja.

Elkin D.V.
21.07.2004, 17:31
To begin it is necessary with regtgenografii and internal consultation travmatologa-the orthopedist.