Просмотр полной версии : At my mum a deforming arthrosis. How effectively to remove or take off an inflammation (a medicine...

20.07.2004, 01:11
At my mum a deforming arthrosis. How effectively to remove or take off an inflammation (medical products). What do you think in occasion of INOLTRy? Now she uses DICLOFENAC (it is appointed or nominated by the doctor). The effect practically is not present. Hurt as before. Advise medicinal therapy. In advance are very grateful!!!

Didkovskij A.V.
20.07.2004, 10:46
1. Intraarticulate or intrajoint blockade, antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory therapy, FZT, LFK. Roentgenograms are necessary. 2. We wait for positive reviews of a preparation from patients while they are not present. 3. Concrete lekartsvennuju therapy virtually to appoint or nominate incorrectly.