Просмотр полной версии : Hello I within 3 years diko am am hurted with a back in the field of a loin and p...

The novel
16.07.2004, 23:48
Hello I within 3 years diko am am hurted with a back in the field of a loin and the right leg or foot I obrashchjalsja to doctors in the city laid in nevrolgii and surgeries did or made a computer he has shown presence of hernias "shmorlja" to a protrusion of disks 4 5 pozvankov loins wild pains dnlali blockade after it or her have worse pierced anesthetizing preparations I drink najz serdalut laid in Moscow in bolnitse Setchenov's name of a pain very wild I do not sleep absolutely the doctor will not understand ch that can dovat such pains I ask help or assist or give advice or council.....

Kuzmina J.O.
19.07.2004, 16:03
The clinic of a radicular syndrome, t is available. e. Compressions (prelum) of roots of a spinal cord. Address to vertebrologu for expediency of continuation of conservative treatment or necessity of operation. In Moscow it is possible or probable in GKB 13. Ph. 274 71 86