Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, a year two constantly swelled golenostopy (in a place of a fold...

30.06.2004, 15:53
The dear doctor, a year two constantly swelled golenostopy (in a place of a fold stop). The edema surrounding, by the evening increases or is enlarged. At circular movements by stops (small charging or charge) crunches are audible. To go begins more hardly. To me of 39 years. I suffer ljumbago, an osteochondrosis. Parameters of a blood practically all in norm or rate. Salts I eat a little. Has transferred or carried a hepatitis. That with me and how to get rid of this pathology.

Kuzmina J.O.
02.07.2004, 03:34
Ajgul, you need to check up first of all veins of the bottom extremities and kidneys. Up to 90 % of cases of edemas of the bottom extremities at young age are connected with a pathology of these areas.

05.07.2004, 11:55
The doctor, thanks for attention. With kidneys all OK, did or made radiological research (I prepare for pregnancy). How to check veins of the bottom extremities? It is necessary to hand over what analyses, and that our honey. The coordinator on honey to the insurance is not interested in "izlinih" researches. Spares money of the insurance company.
Once again thanks.

Kuzmina J.O.
08.07.2004, 15:40