Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! At my husband the arm or hand (a brush, fingers periodically began to swell, with...

28.06.2004, 16:09
Good afternoon! At my husband the arm or hand (a brush, fingers, a joint) periodically began to swell. Swells very strongly, I would tell or say, that it or her inflates or fans. The husband feels a strong pain. Sometimes the same occurs or happens and to a knee joint. On a brush of an arm or a hand vzduvaetsja as though the globule which longly does not disappear, even after has descended or gone from the external party or side an edema. Today has inflated an elbow - on the end of an elbow the tumour, to the touch hot was formed as though. And the same edema in the middle of a forearm. The husband did not strike an arm or a hand. With what all this can be connected? To what expert to us to address? What researches are necessary? I shall be grateful, if prompt clinic where can help or assist us. One year ago handed over analyses on rheumatic disease (I do not know how correctly to write), have found nothing.

Solomatov V.G.
30.06.2004, 02:33
Dear Maria, arm or hand swells from the same parties or sides or right and left alternate? How much years to the husband? It is important. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

30.06.2004, 08:46
Dear Victor Gennadevich, many thanks for the answer. That swells right, the left brush. I have noticed, that there is it after physical job or in day after acceptance of alcohol. This concurrence or, really, given factors can provoke an edema? To the husband 41 year. Two years ago it or he had problems with a backbone. The roentgen of a lumbar department has shown instability of vertebra or vertebrae. Year went in a special girdle (periodically). Approximately during same time joints of arms or hand and knees began to swell. Now with a backbone like all of anything (tfu-fie), and here edemas proceed. All this has begun after repair of an apartment, now serious exercise stresses especially are not present. Every morning does or makes charging or charge. We can not understand the reason. The surgeon who treated a backbone, anything concrete has not told or said. Last doctor to whom addressed, has advised to drink preparations with Sa and Mg. From a pain has written out ointment and tablets Diclofenac. And how to struggle with the reason? Thanks.

Solomatov V.G.
01.07.2004, 22:13
Dear Maria. Very much resembles serious problems with a cervical department of a backbone. Make a picture if there is a depression of height of intervertebral space, zanchit there is an intervertebral hernia. Very dangerous status. After a picture inform, but write to me on conference on our site (the address through a new paragraph) is better. After a picture we shall think further. Kstatit, the surgery deals with a little bit other problems, or considers or examines;surveys from other point of view, the edema - means a bursitis and t. The item therefore surgeons are incompetent concerning an osteochondrosis of a backbone. Be surveyed and urgently write. Yours faithfully Solomatov In occasion of a hernia podrobnu the information of m. to look or see Century on our site.