Просмотр полной версии : Hello!!! At mum (55) as a result of falling (Has slipped in...

22.06.2004, 02:38
Hello!!! At mum (55) as a result of falling
(Has slipped in ice) after a X-ray analysis have diagnosed: compression fracture 12 vertebra of a thoracal department of a backbone. There is an osteoporosis. Can independently move, but there are pains. The attending physician has recommended a confinement to bed within three weeks and wearing of a corset.
I wish to ask a question of such character:
1. What obligatory inspection the doctor should appoint or nominate???
2. Whether the computer tomography and magnitno-a resonant tomography is necessary???
3. What medicamental treatment the doctor should spend or it is not obligatory??? (at mum a ulcer 12 perstnoj intestines)
4. In what the aftertreatment consists (whether the gymnastics both td and tp is necessary.)???
5. In What consequences are resulted or brought with fracture of such character???
6. What could you advise for treatment???
I look forward to hearing. Thanks.

Artemev A.A.
23.06.2004, 07:39
1. The doctor most likely should nothing to you. 2. And in essence it is possible to respond to questions only on internal consultation.