Просмотр полной версии : Zravstvujte Julia Olegovna! Already it is a lot of years I have pains in a knee of the right leg or foot....

10.06.2004, 16:12
Zravstvujte Julia Olegovna!
Already it is a lot of years I have pains in a knee of the right leg or foot. Last diagnosis 4 years or summer prescription - gonartroz (if I am not mistaken). Earlier the knee hurted or was ill;was sick basically before change of weather and infrequently. Last 3 4 months began to hurt or be ill;be sick every day, basically in the evening. A pain not acute, nojushchaja; visible changes of a joint are not present, is unbent bent or incurvated normally. Has made a picture, I shall go to the doctor.
Questions to you at me such.
1) I wish to ask the doctor that he has appointed or nominated to me fizioprotsedury (an electrophoresis, a heating, microcurrents..).
The electrophoresis with what antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory substance will be naibolnee effective (that to me did not do or make with Novocainum as when that)?
About what treatment (effective!) it is possible to ask still? (only do not speak that the doctor himself will solve, anything except for ointment and tablets will not offer, already znaju-((
2) I the third year am engaged in aerobics (step, akva and so forth) Began to notice, that after employment or occupations the pain sometimes amplifies. Whether it means that from active employment or occupations (run, jumps) it is necessary to give up?
3) whether you Can recommend national ways of treatment of an arthrosis? Whether the homeopathy helps or assists?
Thanks for the answer.

Kuzmina J.O.
13.06.2004, 23:02
Your doctor in more comfortable position. He will see also you, and your pictures... Run and prjazhki really aggravate a situation. In unlimited kolicheskah navigation, a bicycle, exercises on a plasty is possible. Probably, already it is meaningful to make intraarticulate or intrajoint injections (only not Kenalogum and not diprospan as till now it is fashionable to do or make it in out-patient departments), and preparations which are analogues of a normal articulate or joint liquid. About efficiency of national methods in this case I am adjusted or set up sderzhanno-skeptically. As to a homeopathy - yes, the certain anesthetizing and antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory effect can be reached or achieved. A physiotherapy - a magnetotherapy, an electrophoresis with Dexasonum, an electrical stimulation of muscles of a femur.