Просмотр полной версии : 14.06.02. Hello dear Dudkovsky Alexander Valerevi...

Voronina Belief Vasilevna
10.06.2004, 06:20
Hello dear Dudkovsky Alexander Valerevich. The city of Sakha or Saha Yakutia. My daughter 20 t years, she the invalid since the childhood 1 oh groups. To Moscow carried it or her three times where to us and have diagnosed: the Diencephalic obesity of IV degree disturbance of the central nervous system. Labors were serious, she was born asphyxias a hangar of 5 minutes. To add in weight she became from first days. Has gone since seven months, anticnemions gradually began to be bent, reserved orthopedic footwear, but sshili it or her it is wrong also legs or pinches were bent goes now on sides of an anticnemion more strongly. Now at it or her very much bolshyoj the weight of 250 kg moves in a lap, the leg or foot has ceased to grow, has stopped on 34 ohm the size.
Whether dear Dudkovsky Alexander Valerevich at me to you a question it is possible kak-to straighten that of the girl of a leg or foot? If yes that prompt, please, where it can be made?

Didkovskij A.V.
11.06.2004, 13:13
1. Yes, by means of apparatus Ilizarova. 2. Conference the plastic orthopedist.