Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor!!! At me a problem with a knee joint. Pains show...

08.06.2004, 18:59
Hello the doctor!!! At me a problem with a knee joint. Pains are shown at walking (when the sick leg or foot comes). In a quiet status of pains is not present. Pains projavljabjutsja in current already half a year. First they arose incidentally, and now appear constantly. Tell or say pozhalusta what is it can be for illness or disease and than she can be caused or called? Whether it is necessary to me to move or aspire activly more to be in a motionless status? To me 45 years and during several years I practically use one vegetarian nutrition. Whether it can be the reason of similar diseases? In advance many thanks!

Kuzmina J.O.
09.06.2004, 21:33
Dear Sergey! It can be and an arthritis (what? Reactive? A monosynovitis at general diseases?), both an arthrosis, and result of an old trauma. The vegetarianism here is hardly guilty. It is necessary to understand more particularly. On the basis of only one complaints precisely to tell or say, what is it, it is not obviously possible.