Просмотр полной версии : Dear Victor Gennadevich! At me the last a floor of year ochenn strong bol...

01.06.2004, 03:56
Dear Victor Gennadevich!
At me the last a floor of year ochenn strong pains in the field of grudnnogo a department of a backbone. Pains paroxysmal very similar to pains in heart (pressing, giving under the left scapula). One year ago there were attacks of a tachycardia to which the same pains in techennii several days preceded. Heart surveyed (cardiograms, US). Very strong pains appear for some days prior to the beginning of monthly and before variable weather. Respond please! Whether Can cause such pains a backbone? Thankful in advance.

Solomatov V.G.
01.06.2004, 21:44
Dear Maria, yes. A zone between scapulas (gde-that between 5 7 grudn. Vertebra or vertebrae) is reflex seksualno-emotional. Reaction to a cycle is quite possible or probable. Usually except for it or this the zone - whether simultaneously with some shift on time reacts pojasnichno-kresttsovaja. Reaction to weather changing - the status of organs of an abdominal cavity, very much often - a stomach or a duodenum is possible or probable that. Probably also, that all is bound in a ball and one is connected with another. A direct injury of intimate or cardiac structures or frames (an artery, a myocardium...)? Not absolutely similar. Too longly you have a process. The true lesion of heart for a long time would show itself not only pains. A tachycardia of m.. It is provoked by a boring of a wandering nerve (oppression). The reasons - organs of an abdominal cavity (the solar plexus is formed including by this nerve), a boring of the nervous trunks which are passing or are taking place along a cervical department of a backbone. That is - it is a lot of reasons, but it is better to understand internally. Anyway, there are variants of answers, except for the unequivocal indicating on heart. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

02.06.2004, 10:31
Dear Victor Gennadevich!
Many thanks for the answer. Really at me with a stomach and an intestine not absolutely well. But pains usually give to the left leg or foot and an arm or a hand. Sometimes lumbagos in a little finger of the left arm or hand. Especially strong pains at night. poskazhite please, what inspections to me are necessary for passing or for taking place and how to stop a strong pain. In 25 years it would not be desirable to feel razvaljuhoj. In advance thanks.