Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Alexander Aleksandrovich, Here already about half a year me bespoko...

01.06.2004, 06:37
Hello, Alexander Aleksandrovich,
Here already about half a year I am am disturbed with pains in a knee. More correctly even under a knee, such sensation, that gde-that inside. At what the knee does not swell up. In the beginning it were not so oshchutimye pains, but last two weeks I began to limp and very painfully began to bend or incurvate a knee. On a knee I did not fall, the only thing that preceded this pain: I very much like to sit having drawn in knees under myself, and here in one day, probably, is very sharp so villages, and at me something has crackled in a knee, since then at me these pains have begun. Has made rentgen-a picture, descended or went to the surgeon (unfortunately we in hospital do not have orthopedist), having looked or seen on a picture, he has told or said, that with a knee that's all right, and has directed to the therapist whom, in turn, too nothing has seen on a picture, but has assumed, what is it adjournment of salts, and naprvil me on analyses. Up to analyses I am not so cunning.
Can you to me prompt, what is it and where it is better to address with this problem.

Artemev A.A.
02.06.2004, 02:34
The mechanism is typical for damage of an internal meniscus. The most exact diagnostics (before operation) is possible or probable by means of JAMRT. Can execute this research in b-tse upravdelami prez-that. T. 442 70 53.