Просмотр полной версии : At the elderly woman an osteoarthrosis - some years on crutches. Ibufrofenum not...

21.05.2004, 07:54
At the elderly woman an osteoarthrosis - some years on crutches. Ibufrofenum does not help or assist from a pain, and Furosemidum iz-for it or him, probably, does not operate or work, and at it or her legs or foots strongly swell and there were trophic ulcers. The doctor has written out only somnolent... What to do or make?

Tatarchenko A.V.
21.05.2004, 10:35
Hardly Furosemidum does not operate or work from for combinations to Ibufrofenum. The reason what that another. In late stages of an osteoarthrosis probably application of intraarticulate or intrajoint injections of antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparations of type of Kenalogum and introduction hondroprotektorov type of Rumalonum. But all this is done or made in conditions of a hospital.