Просмотр полной версии : Dear Julia Olegovna! At me a platypodia and a scoliosis. I use are soft...

16.05.2004, 10:56
Dear Julia Olegovna!
At me a platypodia and a scoliosis. I use the soft insoles registered one good vrachom-hiroprakotrom (t. e. He works with a back). They fine help or assist; without them left, more "flat", a leg or foot gde-that on 9 millimeters is shorter. But all the same a foot are not corrected, and also there is a small shift of meniscuses in knees
(That is expressed in a crunch) and the disorder with femurs.
I can go, but not run. And barefoot very much
In general, I have solved c to eshe to one very serious expert (he the professor of university
Also advises sportsmen). He has told or said, that
sushestvuet only two ways: operation (but it very much
Difficultly and me it is not necessary) and insoles.
He porekommendoval firm insoles which highly lift only vnutrennii a crest or fornix stops.
He has told or said, that no other crests or fornixes in stop are present
(Though other doctor assured, that is eshe external
Both cross-section or transversal crests or fornixes and their its or his insoles
Support or Maintain). My insoles has named barahlom (though
They also are made by the solid company from a cast) and
Has told or said, that their insoles do or make using any
The laser scanner. Accordingly, cost or stand on
The order is more dear or expensive.
The first doctor has told or said, that the professor
About quantity or amount of crests or fornixes it is deeply wrong, and the scanner is not better at all than a usual cast.
In general, before me now there is a question: whether to spend greater or big money for new insoles or to try or taste something eshe? Besides that you think about quantity or amount of crests or fornixes at stops and, accordingly, what insoles approach or suit for correction of a platypodia is better?

Kuzmina J.O.
18.05.2004, 04:21
Dear Dmitry! I would not undertake a role arbitration judges. To be treated it is necessary at the doctor to whom you trust. Crests or fornixes at stops 6: one cross-section or transversal and five longitudinal (on a course of each finger - in a direction to a heel). Insoles in itself do not eliminate or erase;remove deformation. They only interfere with its or her advance.