Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. At me practically since the childhood the skin on has started to grow coarse on...

11.05.2004, 13:02
Hello the doctor. At me practically since the childhood the skin on soles of legs or foots has started to grow coarse. Addressed to the dermatologist, having spent analyses have told or said, what is it a fungus. Have appointed or nominated treatment, but it has not helped or assisted me pjanki and fingers all the same burst and very much greater or big narost. There can not be it genetically, t. To. At my relatives on papinoj lines takajazhe a problem, but it not ogranichevaetsja legs or foots, arms or hand too very dry also bursts a skin.

12.05.2004, 17:08
I not the doctor, but faced a similar problem, have then got on reception to the endocrinologist which has explained ogrubenie skins as result of a disadvantage of an iodine. Having spent on drink a course of tablets at me this question razreshilsjaju