Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the doctor! At me problemma with kolenkoj, about one year back I rolled...

Ilya Solonitsyn
11.05.2004, 16:51
Zdrastvujte, the doctor!
At me problemma with kolenkoj, about one year back I went for a drive on rollers and have fallen have fallen to it or her, on a trace. Day has appeared an edema and morbid sensations, isspolzoval an elastic roller and warming up ointment. In couple of months anything about a trauma did not remind. About one month there were pains in tomzhe a knee a joint (pripolnom a flexion of a knee joint occurs or happens small shelchok, a pain back. Advise where to address!
I live near to underground Vojkovskaja, I know that series TSITO, do not prompt as better to act or arrive?
il_sol@mail. ru

Didkovskij A.V.
12.05.2004, 03:36
Can address to me. I think, it is necessary to make JAMR-a tomography. Most likely the meniscus is damaged or injured.