Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Since recent time I have started to feel a pain in right st...

01.05.2004, 03:11
Hello, the doctor! Since recent time I have started to feel a pain in right stop (from the inside, under an ossicle or a bonelet) which as though "responds" in a malleolus. On a sole right stops I enough for a long time have something similar to a callositas. When I on it or him come, there is a sharp pain. Besides the doctor to me has told or said, that at me a vascular failure of legs or foots. Whether there can be it vzaimosvjazanno, and what is it can be in general? (Me of 29 years).

02.05.2004, 18:50
Consult at the dermatologist and the vascular surgeon (can be it is necessary make doplerografiju vessels of the bottom extremities).

Didkovskij A.V.
04.05.2004, 03:00
Development of a platypodia can give a similar picture.