Просмотр полной версии : *quot; Manchzhu C???y*quot;

07.05.2003, 02:06
Good afternoon, the doctor! I asked about application preparata-parafarmatsevtika " Manchzhu Ajsin " at disease SHejramann-Mau. The description of a preparation: represents a natural complex on the basis of natural components. Zinci sulfas a part a glucosamine and chondroitin Zinci sulfas have braking an effect on degenerate or degenerative processes in a cartilaginous or chondral tissue, raise or increase its or her fastness to mechanical influences, reduce risk of development of inflammatory diseases, improve synthesis of a collagen and an elastin, render nutritious support and normalizuejut metabolic processes in connecting tissues. Manchzhu Ajsin possesses antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory, atioksidantnym, spasmolytic, analgizirujushchim and immunostimulirujushchim action. Indications: disturbances of functions oporno-the impellent apparatus (arthritises, arthroses, an osteochondrosis of a backbone, miazity, tendovaginity, thrombophlebites), a status after traumas and fractures, at the raised or increased loads on oporno-the impellent apparatus. 1 tablet in mass 0, 5 contains: a glucosamine Zinci sulfas - 65 mg, chondroitin Zinci sulfas - 16 mg, vitami With - 16 mg, vitamin E - 10 mg, Calcii chloridum - 16 mg, solodka a root - 50 mg, an extract of grape grains - 1 mg, an extract of a cortex of a willow - 50 mg, an extract of a cortex the cat's claw - 10 mg, MKTS - 266 mg. The company " Victoria-inc " Sankt-makes Petersburg. Whether prompt, please, there will be an advantage or a benefit of reception of this preparation? Thankful in advance.

Artemev A.A.
07.05.2003, 19:05
Probably, there will be any insignificant time or temporary improvement. But do not consider or count this medicine as panacea.