Просмотр полной версии : *quot; eOa????*quot;

28.05.2006, 22:28
Hello! To me 20 years also I do not know to itself precisely to address with this problem, but nevertheless I think it to you! I am am disturbed constantly with my face!!!!!!!! Simply forces are not present!!!! At the slightest excitement, even insignificant, even to which I do not give value or meaning;importance, but nevertheless my face simply flushs on eyes!!!!! If to me to become even hardly, hardly hotly my face strongly reddens, and after acceptance of alcohol it is better to not look at me, I should drink butylochku some beer as my cheeks are poured by a blood, and under eyes the main thing all white is white! And a forehead too not red, in general from smotritsja it is ridiculous! As though I in glasses or spots! And my face simply fever pyshet, sometimes already throws sweat, though in or in street-where I am completely not hotly! I can not understand what is it such! I the young nice guy, but my face very much often bring me, and everyone ask me: - " YOU THAT SUCH RED "???!!! Help or Assist please, advise something!

Grigoriev Alla
29.05.2006, 05:58
Make an electrocardiogram, check a BP during the moment of reddening. But skore everything, similar reaction is connected with a close locating of vessels to a surface of a skin.