Просмотр полной версии : Kidneys! Kidneys!

06.11.2005, 19:33
Hello! I a throbbing pain in a right kidney, sometimes have attacks of an acute pain. While to the doctor I can not address ((. What is it can be? What travki can be had a drink? Whether it is possible to accept at unhealthy kidneys hormonal tablets (mersilon)? Whether it is possible to eat grapes?

06.11.2005, 21:17
Whence such confidence, what is it kidneys???
Be surveyed:
- The analysis wet,
- US of a stomach or belly (zhelnyj a bubble, a liver, kidneys),
- The gynecologist (oothecoma),
- The surgeon (appendicitis),
- A roentgenophotography (disease of lungs),
- The analysis of a blood from a finger,
- A roentgen of a backbone (radiculitis).

07.11.2005, 09:47
the Initial report from Aritmolog
Whence such confidence, what is it kidneys???.
hm.vy are right, it is possible or probable and not kidneys). Unfortunately, on doctors now to go time absolutely is not present (