Просмотр полной версии : The raised or increased temperature

24.08.2005, 13:01
Good afternoon! At me a problem of following character:
9 months keep temperature 37, 5. Thus noet a back. Periodically the pain passes or takes place, but the temperature does not fall down. Sometimes at such temperature I feel normally. And basically me znobit, fractures. Happens very hotly. I sleep disgustingly at night. A dyscomfort the uttermost. Has bypassed all doctors, has handed over all conceivable analyses. There is a suspicion on a microadenoma of a pituitary body (raised or increased Prolactinum and happen allocation from a breast) and mastopapija in both mammary glands. Did or made MRT a brain. Speak, that at presence of clinical data it-is possible to regard as a microadenoma of a pituitary body. Though not all doctors hold such opinion. The analysis of a blood a hemoglobin 115 leucocytes 3, 9 ESR - 10 Analyses on hormones thyroid zhedezy in norm or rate. Uzhi shchitovidki - vnorme. Refleksometrija - 0, 30 Me 33 years. In contact and infectious patients I was not, abroad did not leave. I shall list, that I had to make for diagnostics: The general or common analysis of a blood (result I have already resulted or brought) the analysis of a blood on revmoprobu - ASLO a floor, the analysis of a blood on billirubin - in norm or rate, the analysis of a blood on HBS fiber - in norm or rate, the analysis of a blood on RW - negative, the analysis of a blood on a HIV - negative, the analysis of a blood on a malaria - negative, the analysis of a blood on hidden or latent brutsillez - the negative analysis of a blood on sterility - nothing is revealed the analysis of a blood on TORCH infections - credits G on herpes and tsitomegallovirus the analysis of a blood on hormones TTG, 3, 4 in norm or rate Prolactinum - is raised or increased the analysis wet on nechiporenko - in norm or rate the analysis wet on bakposev - nothing is revealed the general or common analysis of a feces - in norm or rate (so speak) the analysis of a feces on bakposev - there is a dysbacteriosis a smear from a nose and a fauces - golden stafilokkok and a streptococcus in a plenty (have spent sanation) Uzi kidneys - a pyelonephritis of a right kidney (though analyses quiet) Uzi a liver, Cholic bubble all in norm or rate Uzi of mammary glands - a is diffusive-fibrous mastopathy the Roentgenoscopy of a gastrointestinal tract - all in norm or rate without organic changes of Roentgens of a thorax - without changes the analysis on the immune status - dropping of immunity (t- and nejrofily below norm or rate and more something) (have registered polioksidony in suppositories) Still any research of a brain - I do not remember as is called (when dress on a head something like a bridle with suckers) - all in norm or rate Have found still a ureaplasma and have appointed or nominated treatment (in that tsisle tsikloferon) the Gynecologist has appointed or nominated Uzi uteruses - liquid volume in the right ovary of small volume. The doctor speaks no trouble is not present Though, Uzi uteruses did or made to me already some times - all in norm or rate. Here like all (I think, nothing has forgotten). At the raised or increased temperature at me the back burns and the left party or side of a back and under the mouse or mousy at the left aches a bit. A status awful, but tolerant. So 6 months proceed Advise, that else it is necessary-is necessary to make, what analyses to check up, what diagnostics. I wish to know, that to me occurs or happens. And as it is treated, if this any disease. And whether it is dangerous to a life. Last time I had a cancerophobia. Very much I am afraid of a cancer. If there is an oncologic disease as it is shown in analyses? Whether it is possible to do or make at a mastopathy a physiotherapy in particular ultrozvuk and to accept tsikloferon?
I work behind a computer the full working day (8 hours). The load on a backbone is certainly, I even soft office have changed an armchair for an ordinary chair with a high backrest that it was convenient to sit and the back did not hurt or be ill;be sick. At me an osteochondrosis grudnichnogo a department. Yearly I do or make massage when takes absolutely - I prick diclofenac. And now at me with a back occurs or happens, something -not clear. It is not dependent on time of day there begins nyt the left half stiny. And it not a pain, and any moaning. Which can pass in ribs under the mouse or mousy. Such sensation, that at me kol in a back and he pereodicheski moves and causes such inconvenience. And, as soon as there begins nyt a back the temperature up to 37,2 Nojut thoracal glands during this period-rises. When it passes or takes place - to live tolerantly to become. But it strongly frightens me (understand me correctly). To me only 33 years, and till October of the last year I was practically healthy person. And here suddenly, all this chehorda. And all doctors to whom I addressed, only make a helpless gesture. And temperature derzhitsja (with 37,00 I have already reconciled) and a back noet. Speak it an osteochondrosis - but he at me already for a long time and I can fine distinguish its or his displays from all another. Since recent time legs or foots, especially right have started to swell. Not so that it is very strong, but it is all the same appreciable - tazhest and napjanutost in an extremity. Sometimes in the mornings sponsor fingers of arms or hand. Sometimes in the mornings toshnit. It is necessary to pull out a vomiting and a status improves. Since two weeks I wake up 4,30 every morning that noet a back. Can present I-sleep having enclosed or laid under a back spil an aspen tree. And for the night I smear a back with a solution of Menovasinum. It already became the whole ritual before a dream. Here while all that I can tell. Help or assist me, even give a direction in which to me it is necessary to search for a problem. Very much it is heavy. 9 months it prodolzhetsja.
Has made MRT a thoracal department of a backbone.
Technics or Technical equipment of scanning of a thoracal department of a backbone - 1-coronal 5mm. T2-sagittal-3mm. FSET2 AXIAL-3mm.
On a series of tomograms of attributes of deformation of bodies of vertebra or vertebrae it is noted. It is marked or celebrated their moderated or moderate torsija,
With attributes of scoliotic deformation of an axis of a spine column. Structure or frame of an osteal tissue of vertebra or vertebrae in
Investigated or Researched area without features. Intensity of its or her signals uniform in both regimens.
Contours switching plastinok bodies of vertebra or vertebrae rough, precise, prominirujut in bodies of vertebra or vertebrae with
Elements of disks, with education vnutritelovyh hernias that is more expressed in nizhnegrudnom a department.
The kyphosis of a thoracal thoracal department of a backbone is not changed. Attributes of deformation pozvonochnogo the channel it is not marked or celebrated.
Its or His volume is not changed. The Epidural space is traced on all extent, alarm
Its or His characteristic homogeneous in both regimens.
subarahoidalnoe likvornoe the space structurally homogeneous, is not deformed, intensity
Signals from it or him uniform.
The spinal cord-it volume is not changed. Structure or frame homogeneous, contours precise, equal. Zones of pathological signals
In its or his projection it is not revealed. The cavity of the central channel is precisely looked through on all extent investigated or researched
Areas, it is not deformed. Priobsledrvanii intervertebral spaces the height of disks is lowered, mainly in nizhnegrudnom a department.
Displays of degenerate or degenerative changes in them. The signal of disks danno zones is lowered in both regimens.
It is marked or celebrated prolabirovanie elements of disks of levels VTH12-VL1. VTH11-VTH12 in back podsvjazochnoe prostanstvo up to 3 mm, it is more
In left paramediannoj areas, with prodavlivaniem a forward wall of a dural bag and nervous roots at the left.
The augmentation of articulate or joint facings of intervertebral joints with priznakmi degenerate or degenerative changes is looked through
From their articulate or joint surfaces. Their contours precise, equal. Articulate or joint clefts or rima not defrormirovany, are narrowed.
Conclusion-display of an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department of a backbone with attributes of scoliotic deformation of its or his axis.
Link sided paramediannye protrusions of disks krovnej VTH11-VTH12. VTH12-VL1/attributes spondioartroza
What with me? And how it to treat?
And how with it or this it is longly possible to live?

25.08.2005, 19:36
You married? Whether there are at you children?
Result or Bring results of the analysis of urine.
Whether checked you on a chlamydia, a mycoplasma and other genitourinary infections.

About a mastopathy I shall not say lies - I structure.

26.08.2005, 09:05
Hello, the doctor!

Thanks that have responded on moeju a problem.
I married, at me am one child of 12 years.
On Monday I plan to hand over repeated analyses.
On reception of results - razmeshchju them here.
From above listed infections at me have found a ureaplasma. I have passed or have taken place course of treatment, have handed over repeated analyses. Result negative. The attending physician has told or said, that now all vpredelah norms or rates. Credits have fallen very strongly. But also after treatment there were no visible changes of my status.
And so for it hoped.

29.08.2005, 22:23
Than and how long treated a ureaplasma? Whether passed or took place the same course the spouse during same time? Whether you after a course have replaced the linen on new?

In attitudes or relations with the husband psychological problems are?

07.09.2005, 08:32
Hello, the doctor!
The scheme or plan of treatment of a ureaplasma I shall result or bring tomorrow (there are no now near at hand purposes or appointments).
I have handed over analyses. Here results


WBC 5.0X10^9/L
RBC + 5.21X10^12/L
HGB 1.38 G/DL
HCT 0.381
MCV - 73.1 FL
MCH 26.5 PG
MCHC 36.2 G/DL
PLT - 166X10^9/L
LYM % of 28.6 %
MXD % + 15.2 %
NEUT % of 56.2 %
LYM * 1.4X10^9/L
MXD * 0.8X10^9/L
NEUT * 2.8X10^9/L
RDW + 51.1 FL
PDW 11.8 FL
MPV 8.9 FL
P-LCR 18.9 %

7.8 NORM or RATE 1.2-15.5 \
5.4 NORM or RATE 0.4-6.2 \

In urine there are Sodium oxalatums, one +. The rest in norm or rate (so the doctor has told or said). (Forms in a state language is all that I could translate or transfer). I TORCH I handed over infections - now not anything.
Credits of a ureaplasma very low.
My spouse too passed or took place treatment - its or his credits of a ureaplasma were much below, than at me. To him have appointed or nominated a doxycycline of 10 days on 2 capsules in day.
In family at us the attitude or relation very good, no psychological problems with the spouse at me are present. Full harmony in all. Are very happy together.
After treatment I have certainly changed linen, as also the spouse.