Просмотр полной версии : To itself to address

12.08.2005, 12:46
Periodically during enough long already time there are pains in the field of a forehead. A usual headache to name it nemogu. Begins podtashnivat, but never tears, and a pressing strong pain in a frontal part of a head. The slightest movement causes terrible pains.
One month ago attacks of a strange parentage have begun. Squeezes all in lungs it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a nervous status, delicacy and noet all body.
It is literally yesterday having arrived in honey the center where I pass or I take place treatment in occasion of keratinoza, it became bad. Strong delicacy, it was difficult to go, hardly to breathe, in a premise or room it was cool, but it seemed to me, that is very hot, all body has become covered by a perspiration, has appeared oenmenie in labiums, has dried up in a mouth, legs or foots grew dumb, tried to not close eyes because as-as if the consciousness was lost. To me have made a dropper of Haemodesum, it became little bit better, but vseravno legs or foots ached a bit and there was a strange sensation in a stomach as though podtashnivaet. A head serious. For the morning like a normal status. But again pojalvjaetsja the strange sensation as though in a stomach, drives to a goal and again throws in fever.
Advise, please, to what experts I need to address and on what in general it is similar.
I shall be very grateful for your answer.

14.08.2005, 01:23
In occasion of a forehead - to the neurologist.
In occasion of a prelum of a breast and potashnivany - make fibrogastroskopiju, most likely is a reflux an esophagitis with a gastritis (treatment - domperidon (motilium) and almagel).

25.08.2005, 13:11
What doctors to bypass and what analyses to hand over at veneering sanknizhki?

25.08.2005, 19:21
Forgive or Excuse, but I do not know demands to sanitary books in Russia since itself I live and I work in Germany.