Просмотр полной версии : Legs or Foots swell and hurt

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13.02.2005, 08:14
Last time began to notice, that on legs or foots there were edemas.. And in the morning they are more strongly expressed, by the evening pass or take place, but not up to the extremity or end.. I do not know with what eto to connect.. I eat as usually, liquids too I accept as before.. And edemas are small. And on legs or foots. Who can that faced such problem and knows as it or her to solve? It is desirable national, so to say, in the way.. Because to drink tablets well at all hochetsa

Nina 77777
14.02.2005, 23:48
I advise you to address to the doctor, tk

The reasons can be perfect or absolute :, disturbance limfo systems and td. And where at you legs or foots particularly swell?

19.02.2005, 21:16

Legs or Foots swell below a knee..

To doctors obrashchatsa not so that hochetsa Can eat what nibud chaek which deduces or removes water?

26.02.2005, 05:41
I am afraid of you to frighten, but puffiness of legs or foots can testify to a heart failure and about tromboflibite. Both the first, and the second - is very serious! So, to the doctor - immediately!!!

28.02.2005, 11:43

What tomboflebit, what failure, if to me of 19 years????????????

Also I do not want to doctors.. Till now I remember as me a Quincke's edema ambulance surgeons removed or took out.. Hardly on a next world have not sent because of incorrectly entered medicine...

06.03.2005, 12:49
Certainly, it would be necessary to find out the reasons to the doctor..

poprobuite broth of a root of a parsley.. srednii the root on a glass of boiled water and to insist..

Harm from etogo will not be on any.. I eto did or made during pregnancy, to me helped or assisted..

But to the doctor in any case it is necessary..

12.03.2005, 00:11
The little girls, what horrors! To not be engaged at all in a selftreatment! Broth of a parsley during pregnancy????? Can cause or call an abortion if to go too far. The thrombophlebitis can arise in ANY, I repeat, at ANY age.

With such edemas it is necessary to descend or go to the doctor - in reception first aid to you, most likely, did or made procedures without your consent is it is admissible in fast, but not in a cabinet or study at the doctor. Descend or go necessarily on consultation - and it is desirable not to one, and to pair different doctors. To the usual therapist it is possible to not go - go to the expert on sports traumas (will not believe as often a chronic dislocation which is not accompanied by a pain, it is accompanied by edemas), and to the expert on cardiovascular activity, at least.

Do not wish to go to the doctor - means to you not too badly (excuse for arrival, please). And if the problem really will appear seryoznoj doctor to you, most likely, will have to see patalogoanatoma as a result. However, then all will be already peer to you.

Excuse, I wish purposely you to scare - that you have taken courage and have overcome the aversion of doctors and nevertheless have addressed for the help. Descend or go on consultation to different doctors, listen, that they speak - and then already and solve, whether to drink you house travki or to lay down on an operating table as the thrombus can threaten your life.

Do not joke of it or this, please. Your life and health belong not only to you, but also those to that you are close.

14.03.2005, 01:54
Little girls and boys, but, considering specificity of a question, actually, little girls:

Terribly legs or foots, especially shchikolotki swell. Considering position, diuretics I can not drink. Legs or foots zadrav all the day long - too to live I shall not manage, and is terrible as it would not be desirable to put on special stockings. Who was in a similar situation - I three more months needed to swell, and will soon become warmer and will be even worse. Plus at me in left shchikolotke a venous failure because of sports traumas, also occurs or happens an overlay of water plumpness on bloody.

In advance I am sorry, if I can not respond at once, but at the first opportunity I shall glance in a coffee house, and I shall wait for your references.

17.03.2005, 14:23
Considering specificity of position, something venotonizirujushchee to drink it is possible? There, Ascorutinum any, or Venastat?

I remember someone spoke, what in some cases the raised or increased puffiness is caused with milk or dairy products, especially milk - can exclude?

And special stockings - not such a bad thing. The main thing, correctly to pick up, and to get gradually used to sensations.

22.03.2005, 06:35
ALE, to me now, except for Tajlenola, anything to drink it is impossible... Unless if I shall die absolutely, that nibud will register, for now - I suffer. And here I just now would like some milk most of all...

24.03.2005, 06:37
And it is impossible is you it is assured, or to you so have told or said?

Like as it is a little bit strange to forbid vitamins..

And milk exclude. And there look or see.

26.03.2005, 20:08
And what the analysis wet shows?

29.03.2005, 20:13
Dress those special stockings - differently in general veins to hell polopajutsja. Suffer 3 months

01.04.2005, 01:21
And if my guesses about "position" are correct-is obligatory or correct-necessarily an antenatal bandage on a tummy. Reduce a load by legs or foots and improve venous outflow. Success!

05.04.2005, 03:12
Darjushka, fasten. All these complexities - business time or temporary.

As a matter of fact:

The dogrose washes away slags, that facilitating job to kidneys.

Only drink it or him necessarily together with honey.

Drink diuretic teas, for example from a cowberry leaf or sheet.

Arrange to itself once a week days of limited intake of food. Can stay for day, for example, on apple juice?

If be not afraid (there are no contraindications), it is good in banke poparitsja but if up to pregnancy a bath did not practise then it is very cautious, not longly.

And the most important, the system in similar procedures is necessary to you now.

And if all listed does not help or assist, then advice or councils of the doctor are necessary.

Successes and happy pregnancy.

08.04.2005, 11:51
Perfectly removes or takes out swell navigation in pool (if certainly doctors have not forbidden). How much or as far as I know, pregnant women very seldom forbid pool, if only any complications.

It is possible to try to drink more waters, but - only up to meal and small portions. Speak, the organism reacts edemas to a disadvantage of a liquid. And in female consultation, certainly, will tell or say on the contrary - water to limit.

11.04.2005, 15:55
Considering our position I can what tell or say here... The Dogrose is very well for kidneys... Still - a cranberry (mors)... Still - the doctor ask, that from grasses it is possible to drink (there them much)...

Now - edemas... A cold compress in the evening (wet trjapochka)... Villages on an armchair, legs or foots on a wall has combined - very well... Further - spets.kolgotki... Besides to sit not putting or folding a leg or foot on a leg or foot and to try to hold above in general legs or foots (a stool to substitute or somehow still)... Daily circulation in bathing with cool water Very or very much helps or assists - has typed or collected a bath and well there-here marsherovat... The Alternating douche - both for legs or foots, and for a breast (invigorates and tones up)... Still, speak, to sleep it is necessary with a pillow under legs or foots... Type the circulation improves in legs or foots...

Success and patience...

15.04.2005, 13:08
.. Nearly has not forgotten - closely or attentively watch or keep up results of the analysis of urine - if in urine there is a fiber, yes plus swell also a greater or big increase of weight - doctors start to put deagnoz "gestoz"... And it is already serious...

Once again success

17.04.2005, 12:16
All thanks! To you has listened and to the doctor has talked, has come to such conclusion (has started to practise too, successes it is available)

Diuretic to me to drink, the doctor has forbidden, but has allowed to try to have a drink vitamin B-6. An increase of weight normal, under the schedule, analyses good, here not p ridereshsja. The bandage very much would not be desirable, but, I feel, that it is necessary to put on. To float there is no opportunity. Legs or foots at job has ceased to lift up, since at a chair the backrest up to the certain angle of an inclination (unless if to lift legs or foots above 45 %, and it already, sorry, a leg or foot on a table - is impossible in offise) does not lean back and it appears, when I sit upright the circulation worsens if I put legs or foots on a support (at me such box from under yogurt costs or stands under a table) - in a femoral part arteries even are pressed more than if to sit with legs or foots on a floor. Has ceased to put a leg or foot on a leg or foot too (and what to do or make....) Probably, the combination vitaminki and changes of a pose of legs or foots helps or assists a little. Waters I drink much, the doctor ordered to not limit at all. Limit at all water, and any other liquid, and simple water - though fill in... I Am filled in. Quantity or amount salt does not influence my edemas (it is checked up by practical consideration).

Still a question (if will press it is necessary...) if someone used medical stockings (considering my geographical position), share experience (a kind, firm, t.p...)

Thanks, and more time sorry for long neotvechanie.

21.04.2005, 02:51
In continuation of a subject:

At me legs or foots swell in the evenings. Swell that name feet. Become such bulked up, that that footwear in which I passed or took place all the day long - and it not shoes on heels, and moccasins without a back - becomes, we shall tell or say so, small completeness.

It can is connected with weariness? And Can, it is connected by what I eat within day?

The most interesting, that such povtorjaetsjas here the second summer successively. In the winter somehow problems such were not.

Can, somebody faced a similar problem and has found already any decision.

24.04.2005, 21:21
Corry, in the summer edemas, certainly, happen and even at healthy people is much more often. Be connected can with a heat and a disadvantage of a liquid of an organism. How much and that you drink for a day? In a heat it is necessary litre of 2,5 waters (compote, morsa, kvass - unsweet) to drink. Job on legs or foots? From it or this too can be. Kidneys can not consult or something not by way of with them can be. Yes it is a lot of that. It is possible to descend or go to the doctor, and it is possible most to observe itself.

27.04.2005, 13:35
In that continually, that seems to me, that edemas happen that I drink a lot of water.

Probably, really, it is necessary to go to the doctor.

01.05.2005, 11:59
Corry, is how much much? And, about nutrition has forgotten - from salty nutrition the delay of a liquid without ceremony can be. You do not take a great interest or you are not fond solenenkim? It is not necessary Is better.

02.05.2005, 08:13
No, Organza, solenenkim I do not take a great interest or am not fond.

Unless only that salt with which salatik I fill.

04.05.2005, 23:45
Has exposed a subject divine as the problem is very actual.

At me legs or foots by the evening suddenly began to swell, I change footwear, leaving office, hardly I clasp or button a lightning on boots.

Any changes during lives, except for that that I go here 2 weeks to be engaged on simulators, was not.

Whether legs or foots can so from simulators to swell? After sports of a hall with legs or foots it's OK, but evening of a problem on a regular basis.

And more, in a -hall I do not strain, have begun with very small loads.