Просмотр полной версии : Disadvantage of a potassium of an organism, at somebody was?

19.05.2005, 09:10
In what results or brings what to do or make???

22.05.2005, 08:17
Yes. Was. Leads to cramps (simply awfully, for example you wake up and you fall from a bed on a floor because a leg or foot has reduced). Eat bananas and a potato. In them he like would contain.

27.05.2005, 22:18
Eat dried apricots and other dried fruits. Have a drink aspartam. Try to avoid the put too much salt products, it is necessary to support or maintain normal balance of a potassium and sodium.

The disadvantage of a potassium badly influences a cardiac musle.

01.06.2005, 14:09
First attribute disadvantages of a potassium of an organism ---is that case when a skin of palms and a foot delivers troubles ---is scratched in Russian speaking. If at once to arrange that up to cramps business can and not reach.

Kind Fairy
06.06.2005, 22:07
If you the fan or amateur of green tea at you it will be obligatory shortage of a potassium in an organism since green tea washes away it or him.

The potassium contains in products as animal, and phytogenesis, but is acquired better from vegetative nutrition.

Eat on a regular basis dried apricots (and dr.suhofrukty), a fig, bananas, cabbage, a potato, carrots, cucumbers.

07.06.2005, 08:42
, And what green tea washes away? I thought, that he is in every respect perfect and I drink it or him very much.

, Usually advise is dried apricots.

Larissa With.
15.06.2005, 03:22
Like anything any more does not wash away. It does not mean, certainly, that if you will not eat the products containing a potassium in a plenty at you cramps will begin. Simply it is better to fill this disadvantage.

19.06.2005, 18:20
At me was. Problems with heart have begun: a tachycardia, an arrhythmia. A saw orotat a potassium. Only tablets should be chewed.

23.06.2005, 03:48
In what results or brings what to do or make???

There is very close interrelation: a potassium-calcium-vitamin "And". Exact sequence I do not remember, but it seems so: Bad mastering of vitamin "And" and as consequence-it or -him;-its;-his the disadvantage, conducts to bad mastering a potassium, and a calcium, in turn, is acquired only at the certain presence of a potassium at an organism. Problems with mastering vitamin "And" usually are at bad function of a liver. Here also do or make conclusions!

23.06.2005, 06:43
To Lady

Tell or Say, and what is the time you drank or saw orotat a potassium that all has passed or has taken place? Also what was then?

24.06.2005, 10:39
At me when problems with erdtsem-at once have begun have sent on the biochemical analysis of a blood where have revealed nedostatkok a potassium. Appointed or nominated Pananginum, dried apricots there are nemereno, a potato baked with a skin, bananas.

Attributes were - disturbance of an intimate or a cardiac rhythm, a giddiness, cramps (especially at night), front sights before eyes, fast fatigue.

25.06.2005, 12:52
Have a drink aspartam.

And and here aspartam?

The potassium is lost at greater or big losses of a liquid - a vomiting, diarrhea. Some medicines (I do not know what) and too stir or prevent diseases of kidneys to mastering of a potassium. A day time dose - from 2000 up to 3000 mg.

In 1 portion of dried apricots - 875 mg.

In 1/2 avocadoes - 600

In a portion of a boiled string bean or peas - from 500 up to 1200 mg

In 1 baked potato - 780

In 1 green pepper - 350

In 1 portion of boiled spinach - 1100

In 1 portion of a cauliflower - 240

In------------brokkoli - 400

In 1 portion of a baked pumpkin - 1000

In 1 pear - 200

In 1 orange - 230

In 1 apple - 160

In 1 banana - 450

In 1/2 grapefruits - 800

In a glass of yoghurt (without Saccharum and additives) - 500

In a glass of milk - 400

In 30 gr. Nuts - from 130 up to 220 (depends on a kind of nuts)

In 1 egg - 65

In 100 gr. Meat, a fish, a bird - from 250 up to 450 (too depends on what this meat, a fish or a bird)

25.06.2005, 18:29
Potato - baked. Dried apricots, raisin, a fig and everyones others dry vkusnosti. Oratat a potassium not bad poprinimat. Boil to itself heart govjazhee - there a lot of potassium. A millet cereal. Millet contains a lot of potassium.

I had a washing away of a potassium during pregnancy. A disgusting status. Oratat it is good pomagal.

27.06.2005, 09:51
, The saw of days 10, but became better than literally day through 2-3

27.06.2005, 17:09
Ups, Annushka, thanks that have noticed a mistake or an error.

I had in view of not aspartam (saharozamenitel), and Asparkam.

27.06.2005, 18:03
Looked - I remember prompt?

evgeny aleksan
27.06.2005, 18:18
Drink complex preparations vitamins-polyminerals.

To fans or amateurs of fruit I recommend to look or see film " Ocean's 11 ".

There there is a remarkable phrase on this subject.