Просмотр полной версии : Adjournment of salts

02.02.2005, 03:44
Hello! All has begun that at mum stops have swelled up. Was sick to go. The doctor has told or said, what is it adjournment of salts and an inflammation of a joint, has registered fizioprotsedury, Ortophenum, ointment Indovazin. What can you advise from medicines or national agents?

13.03.2005, 06:18
What can you advise from medicines or national agents?

Full purification or ablution of an organism, but will borrow or occupy a lot of time.

I advise to find " Salutary forces " Gennady Malakhov. At it or him is to that to learn...

14.03.2005, 07:35
Strannovatyj the diagnosis.

Edema from adjournment of salts? Whence the doctor? A district clinic?

23.03.2005, 00:25
At me an arthritis. During the periods of an exacerbation I am rescueed or saved;salvaged sabelnikom, compresses from leaves of a burdock and tea from a root of a burdock. When there is no an exacerbation - massage.

05.04.2005, 02:24
lilu, unfortunately, my grandmother for many years was helped or assisted for a long time by any of the registered medicines facilitating the morbid phenomena in joints... So from national and estesstvennyh agents of treatment - purification or ablution as have advised - a variant... Also I can recommend qualitative production on the basis of bee sting and other products of beekeeping and grasses.

08.04.2005, 06:52
We priminjaem a cream Sofia with bee sting and compresses from a burdock. And how to make tea from a burdock?

19.04.2005, 22:08
At my mum too most. She goes to pool and floats much.

Also accepts tablets, " the Spark cartilages " in my opinion are called.

19.05.2005, 02:20
lilu, and what is this a cream? And how results, by the way?

Olga Ko
26.05.2005, 02:50
lilu, and what is this a cream? And how results, by the way?

Cream for a body Sofia on the basis of bee sting. Possesses anirevmaticheskim action, treats an osteochondrosis, adjournment of salts (from the summary). From own experience: if to smear for the night and to cover a woolen blanket the cream quickly removes or takes out a pain.

And adjournment of salts and artroz-this or thus one and too?

30.05.2005, 09:00
On autumn has been diagnosed + salts. The knee constantly hurted or was ill;was sick in current of 2 months. In despair has rummaged mountain of national prescriptions. That has helped or assisted-tincture root Sabelnika, 2 + from it or him (the pain began to cease for 3-rd day) and deducing or removing salt a rice diet (probably from Malakhov)-40 days the soaked rice without salt-Saccharum on a hungry stomach in the morning, after 4 hours it is impossible to drink a course, is. Speak, that a joint to cure it is impossible, and it is possible to translate or transfer disease in the category chronic, I do not know as to develop further, but at present the leg or foot feels excellently (but in a refrigeration cabinet blister or bleb Sabelnika and its or his course just in case lays am going to to repeat in the extremity or end of summer)


30.05.2005, 20:56
Tincture of root Sabelnika, course 2 + from it or him (the pain began to cease for 3-rd day)

Tincture is on sale in a drugstore? It or she should be drunk? Write more in detail, please!

The soaked rice without salt

And how it or him soak?

14.06.2005, 10:20
Adjournment of salts in comparison with an arthritis - to spit and pound

Without insults

What is the arthritis I know superb, alas

Means, adjournment of salts is dispersed by sports

Pool, by the way, the first agent, both against an arthritis and against this rest

15.06.2005, 12:19

Adjournment of salts is an osteochondrosis. An exercise stress it is necessary + massage. An arthrosis - degenerate or degenerative change of a joint (it is admissible, an ossicle or a bonelet on a leg or foot). It is recommended Hondroksid (ointment). An arthritis - inflammatory disease of a joint.

Keep in mind, that Ortophenum - protivospalitelnoe an agent, removes or takes out a pain, instead of its or her reason, and can spospobstvovat to destruction of a cartilage that leads to an arthrosis. Therefore in it or him and izhe with it or him ointments (where to summaries it is written, what is it NVPS - nonsteroid protivovospalitenoe an agent) - do not take a great interest or be not fond! Besides NVPS cause, alas, accustoming and cease to operate or work.

More shortly, it is necessary to remove or take out a pain and an inflammation, then Hondroksid it is quite good also pool. Certainly, correspondence advice or councils are so, the scheme or plan of actions, but, I think, you and mum can quite esteem additional info - it or her in an Internet a heap - and to understand, having compared to a case history.

By the way, the diagnosis an arthrosis should be put on the basis of a x-ray film.

Shooting gallery
16.06.2005, 09:59
The good fellow, all has correctly told or said, respekt!

My long-term experience of struggle against an arthritis prompts

16.06.2005, 10:56
The diagnosis an arthrosis should be put on the basis of a x-ray film.

Yes, x-ray films have been made.

It is recommended Hondroksid (ointment

Let's try or taste. While we smear Diclofenac.

And cream Sabelnik used somebody?

17.06.2005, 11:05
Sabelnik marsh, adjustment or option of a root or a grass for alcohol. (it is possible to read through on sites on national medicine) more in detail. I bought tincture o-we "Evalar" in a drugstore butylochka 100 ml nearby 120. It or her sufficed me for a week, to drink 3O/day on a dessertspoon dissolved or divorced in half of glass of water. For treatment recommend to drink " 2 on pollitra ", i.e. a course 2/5 ned with a break for 10 days. For intensifying recommend to do or make compresses of the same tincture. Roots can be bought or purchased from arms or hand, in a drugstore them do not sell and to make tincture, but I have not risked.

Ris-take 5 banok, in 1-st it is soaked 2 st.lozhki 4 days, water varies every morning, everyone new bank is filled with rice on a trace put. For 5-th day the washed out rice from 1 banks cook without salt, Saccharum, seasonings and eat on a hungry stomach after that to drink, there are 4 hours. A course of eating of rice-40 of days.