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25.11.2004, 01:18
Here already half a year as I am ill or sick, from them couple of months I run on doctors and cannot dokopatsja that in any way prois goes.

Certainly, conference ---not a place for the diagnosis, but can someone collided or faced with similar.

Signs very inconsistent:

Were gone monthly (already half a year), headaches, abdominal pains and joints, a back, and periodically attacks of terrible faintness almost up to a loss of consciousness at which sensation like arms or hand strongly grow dumb.

The analysis of a blood the general or common like normal (except for neznachitelnogo risings of a bilirubin, illness or disease of a liver thus it is not revealed), was done or made with a roentgen of a head and a stomach or belly, like all OK. It is not pregnant.

What is it can be? Monthly and attacks of faintness with a numbness of extremities very much frighten absence.

In advance thanks...

11.12.2004, 14:29
It is similar to a chronic poisoning with carbon monoxide or something in this sort. Buy or purchase a new gas cooker and arrange on kitchen or cuisine good ventilation.

13.12.2004, 03:33
I in general do not have gas cooker ---electric. I live not one and I prepare seldom...

28.12.2004, 05:18
And you not on a diet? I here in 15 years grew thin, with ease have dumped or reset kg 8, and monthly have stopped. 4,5 months were not, rpihodilos vostanavlivatsja at the gynecologist. It in general at a diet often happens, especially at young age. And attacks of faintness with a numbness of extremities, awful gravity in a head and gradual disappearance or eradication of vision too periodically happened years with 14 up to 21. Analyses on a blood different special on a head have shown nothing. I read, what is it can be for the psychological reason. An internal panic, pavor.

08.01.2005, 21:25
No, not on a diet, I on the contrary to recover not away. Since I was ill very much have grown thin strongly, I try to eat more through force somehow to support or maintain weight. I weigh now somewhere 52 at body height 165, like not an attrition. Below 49 the weight did not fall.

Dmitry 78
13.01.2005, 07:10
The hormonal status checked? Run to the endocrinologist.

22.01.2005, 17:51
Yes, it can be shchitovitka. The hormonal analysis should be made.

02.02.2005, 06:21
shchitovidku like checked in the analysis of a blood (?SH.) Vrode v norme. On other hormones the analysis still did not do or make, tol'ko Prolactinum.

07.02.2005, 05:43
It is necessary to check up shchitovidku on 4 main hormones. (names I do not remember - any doctor knows) Signs are very similar.

08.02.2005, 17:22
And to you the roentgen of a head did or made or all the same the tomogram or MRT? What with a turkish saddle - norm or rate?

10.02.2005, 16:29
And a level of iron it is exact in norm or rate? A hemoglobin?

You did not try to check separate signs - a backbone (even for headaches), "stomach or belly" (where exactly a pain?)

18.02.2005, 21:30
In my opinion, it is similar to an anemia. It is strange, that analyses of a blood in norm or rate. But, know, I too somehow did or made analyses which too have appeared in norm or rate, but illness or disease has remained. Go to another med.tsentr.

24.02.2005, 17:49
And you in Moscow?

At me the friend of the sister was very much excruciated by mysterious illness or disease: it or she had problems with monthly, inflow as at a climacterium, problems with veso, etc. All researches spoke her, that all separately in norm or rate. She very rather well-to-do girl, therefore was treated handed over analyses and tried to be treated in decent places. But found nothing.

Then she has gone to such place as clinic of cybernetic medicine http: // www.cybermed.ru/

Where very specific approach to diagnostics, and to her have diagnosed type razbalasirovka endocrine system and for a month of a day time hospital have cured usual medicines

It was several years ago, since then she on what does not complain

28.02.2005, 18:25
To me did or made komputernuju a tomography of a head. The gynecologist, by the way, has directed. Like all by way of.

Anemias are not present, and to me did or made the analysis twice ---once in a direction of the therapist, and then still time when I have rung out on fast in neotlozhku couple of weeks back. They to me there pressure pomerjali, normal, became a life, speak ---do not die that is go in the usual therapist and be surveyed.

I live in America, and here it is very bad to hurt or be ill;be sick. Hospital inspection is not present as those, the doctor directs or refers on tests, each time on one and each time it is necessary to wait weeks. Have not got to the bottom of what concrete yet, and time goes and for the last couple of months I have turned in accomplished or perfect;absolute razvalinu, absolutely to me it is bad. And age ---only 24 years. Not clearly.

01.03.2005, 23:07

You did not try to check separate signs - a backbone (even for headaches), "stomach or belly" (where exactly a pain?)

A backbone still has not reached, and the stomach or belly hurts on ginekologicheskoy parts (at the very bottom and in a loin). The top of a stomach or belly (a gastrointestinal part that is) too not absolutely by way of but would seem to me this by-effect which cunningly if the principal cause has left.

The gynecologist has made US ---has told or said set of fine cysts on both ovaries, the ovulation has ceased to occur or happen. Has suggested to have a drink contraceptive tablets to level hormones, I have drunk the unique tablet and to me was SO badly that I thought the extremity or end. Week could not eat @ go and even consciousness razok has lost, in the first day after reception. Will naturally continue to accept did not become. The gynecologist takoy ochen has been puzzled by reaction. More nothing offered, has told or said to go to the therapist obsledovatsja. To Monday I shall go to other gynecologist, behind the second opinion.

05.03.2005, 01:44
Certainly follow " the second opinion ". Only I am afraid, that anything new to you will not tell or say. Age not in your advantage or benefit in this case. I.e. you would be more senior, to you appointed or nominated analyses poohotnee. But if you will continue to complain on jarkovyrazhennyj a suspicious sign, instead of of the general or common phrase " durno, to live not mozhu! ", you will test further.

What the nobility how correctly to complain, it is necessary to be informed, that happens abnormal. Esteem: http: // www.vh.org/adult/provider/fa... ter09/12-9.html

And in general here http: // www.vh.org/navigation/vh/top... nt_index.html*D

Everything, that further exclusively imho, but it seems to me, that at you: a polycystosis of ovaries (that it is necessary to confirm with analyses of hormones under the scheme or plan), probably, slow inflammation, suspiciousness (only do not take offence) and a vegeto-vascular dystonia.

I would ask the doctor to appoint or nominate analyses to Saccharum in a blood (Diabetums happen far not only at full people) and to spend on drink a course multivitamins, vitamins of group In and cod-liver oil.

Can at you still any signs is?

09.03.2005, 22:28
The stomach or belly hurts on ginekologicheskoy parts (at the very bottom and in a loin).

There can be a problem in a backbone.

15.03.2005, 06:36
To occasion of a stomach or belly - most likely an intestine, instead of gynecology.

21.03.2005, 12:43
Thanks for links, I esteem. Vitamins and cod-liver oil a saw ---dead poultices.

The most unpleasant sign ---here such periodic syncopes, with the rest still though somehow it is possible to function.

Still signs ---are silnoe a boring on the face, such red korki, appears periodically, keep somewhere week then leave, then again appear.

Headache with a sonitus.

Loss of weight.

Nashchyot suspiciousness - I do not know, likely I sound as the hypochondriac, but to me dejstvitelno ochen it is bad. Ranshe I was healthy also a cycle was as hours, and then suddenly all has decayed and delatsja became worse and worse.

29.03.2005, 11:31
bananfish, can, it not for this conference and you and are not going to, but please, do not go on everyones babkam and to psychics, go to church.

30.03.2005, 01:42
Probability, that at you "will find" something small. Still I can advise to study or investigate such mysterious area as autoimmune disorders.

03.04.2005, 17:11
I the doctor too about auto-immune disorders spoke something, even " rassejanyj a sclerosis " o, but at it or him like not such signs.

And in general prosto from hormonal disbalansa there can be such intensive signs?

At me all eto has begun after silnogo stress which at once has followed tjazhyolyi a flu with temperature under 40 and an odontectomy with complication. All eto sluchilos ---after etogo has gone-has gone to one month, all over again monthly were gone but I all thought will be restored, to the doctor have gone only for the fifth month when already all other signs have got and became absolutely nasty.

Still time of thanks all for answers and pomoshch. All someone's experience frequently gives more information and the help than theoretical knowledge of doctors.

With babkam and to sorcerers I am not going to, it - not mine.

06.04.2005, 05:57
About a flu is could be seryoznyj a virus. At my friend like from a flu has begun, and soon in hospital has got, it was found out - a mononucleosis - a serious piece. But there other signs. You in general on viruses were checked?

06.04.2005, 19:06
On a virus of a hepatitis it was checked, owing to the raised or increased bilirubin and yellowness of a skin. To me an inoculation from And also Would do or make in general.

12.04.2005, 16:28
Mononucleosis - a serious piece

And, vashche, a mononucleosis - a piece completely not serious, unpleasant just, still this illness or disease name * tselovalshchikov * therefore as it is usually passed from one to another through a kiss...

, in its or her colleges all perebolevajut...

So -and ...