Просмотр полной версии : Gemoglabina nehvataet it is concrete!

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20.12.2004, 19:12
Dear visitors of a forum!

At me it is concrete (I shall not be afraid of this word) the hemoglobin and difitsit a gland is lowered. The reason cannot find in any way.

To whom I can talk in more detail on the given subject, I ask the expert to direct to me a mail.

In advance I thank,


Dr. Vad
12.03.2005, 07:25
pishite asscander@yahoo.co.uk

25.05.2005, 15:51
Probably there is a poisoning (intoxication) something. Think, whether there are no at you at job, or still somewhere harmful agents (toxicant pairs or steams i.t.d.). Be checked up on helminthiases. Impact by a current in the past can give such picture. Generally it is a lot of reasons. Whether there is no allergy on antibiotics, Sulfanilamidums?

26.05.2005, 08:22
Thanks for the answer.

Well unless the poisoning in the past (about 3 years ago) was strong food poisoning (with obmarokom - since a strong deaquation of an organism accompanied by strong abdominal pains: () But I not lichilas from it or this than. Itself as govoritsa has passed or has taken place. And can and it would be necessary...

And so after that as that on another began to work pishchevarit. System. That neither from that nor from this failures in digestion. That a chicken-feed everyone (and as I have noticed mainly in the summer) - but was at gastrointerologa - like except for dizbakterioza nothing has found.: ((((

And what to do or make? There Is one - the gynecologist. Have told or said that all this from for it or him. But I am not assured....

Dr. Vad
27.05.2005, 17:12
Dear Fenshuj!

You could not result or bring exact digits under the analysis of a blood (incl. MCV, etc. parameters), and also syv. Iron, OZHSS and zhelat. A ferritin.

Failures in digestion at zhelezodefitsite can be caused by depression of secretion of a hydrochloric acid (depression of acidity), the gynecologic reasons of loss of iron can be either at presence of Naval Forces or at loss more than 100 ml bloods for a cycle. All details about the beginning and current of disease are welcomed.

28.05.2005, 17:26
Thanks for the answer,

Analyses are-shall try digits to publish tomorrow.

Once again thanks for participation:)

28.05.2005, 19:58
And what such Naval Forces???

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 22:09
Naval Forces-endometrial a spiral (agent) for contraception.

28.05.2005, 23:02
Not its or hers...., at me such hreni is not present:))))))))))))

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:11
Then how much you lose bloods for a menstrual cycle?

To orient will help or assist directing:

How much days go a bleeding?

Whether wads or necessarily linings (what, frequency of change for a day) suffice?

Whether there are large clots in vydelenijah in the first 2 days?

If will not complicate you to respond without elements of a slang or slenga...

28.05.2005, 23:22
Certainly will not complicate, that you:)

Menstr. Passes or takes place ok. 3-4 it is no more day.

Vydeleny it is not enough (only the first 1-2 days).

And I do not use wads (if chesto I am afraid of them *quot; Oa?*quot; to lose or that verevochka otorvetsja - voobshchem I do not joke of it or this is in the old manner linings:)

So I do not think that business is connected with it or this.

I to you lushche tomorrow shall try to not forget to result or bring -you of analyses (since I did or made och. Developed or unwrapped on a blood) - I think sorientirovatsa it will be easier.

The hematologist to me has appointed or nominated *quot; ?N?N??UN*quot; tablets - but me from them it is strong slabit - it was necessary to stop them to drink: (((((

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
What iron tablets drank or saw: the exact name, including, that contains in each tablet in mg (copy from packing), how much tablets in day, during what time of day, up to meal or after, than washed down, what color there was a chair, how much once a day *quot; ??ai??*quot;, whether there were abdominal pains? Whether did or made such researches as syv. Iron and OZHSS? More in detail about the food allowance, about accompanying diseases, bad habits.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Tablets like - Serbifer (or as that so - houses roll).

Usual tab. not capsules. Here is how that drank capsules-for a long time still when def.zheleza the doctor has found out first time in us in rajonke (district. An out-patient department) - so those were in the form of capsules - one storana capsules green, dr. Black or darkly brown. Here they were klevye - them even I remember it was possible for pregnant women or even it is recommended to pregnant women.

Accepted on 2 like a tablet - precisely I do not remember.

Slabilo every day - it was rescueed or saved;salvaged only by fig.

Color = naturally dark (as from all ferriferous preparations).

In general with genikologiej at me not so. One year ago there was a bleeding - has opened neither from that nor from it or him is thought *quot; ??*quot;, yes time like not that was - then as clots have gone or send strong to the doctor has come running. All began with *quot; ?a???*quot; exactly almost in 2 weeks pose them.

The doctor at me superskaja the woman - me has thanks God restored all in norm or rate (even without *quot; ???O?*quot;, which in such cases do or make).

But in posl. Time again I notice hardly appreciable bloody botched work between cycles...: (

It is necessary ijti to the doctor... But she that that too is ill or sick, or pregnancy at her has come or stepped - have told or said not soon now in clinic will appear. A pier home she should call...

Here it is necessary to borrow or occupy.

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Possibly, the name at tablets *quot; Sorbifer nOOO?N?*quot;, though similar you consider or count, that I ask you with curiosity or from there is nothing to do or make. For the beginning corner questions:

1. Whether you wish to cure the anemia?

Whether 2. there is at you a desire and agents to be treated, if process can be tightened or delayed for months of reception of ferriferous tablets?

3. Whether you can tell/recollect/learn or tell/recollect/find out;say/recollect/learn in a drugstore as that preparation, which to you *quot was called; ?N?*quot; or we shall be a trial and error method (and agents from your purse) to select the most suitable?

4. If the aforesaid does not approach or suit All of you, whether there is an opportunity under the medical/?NnNO??a??U? control to enter iron preparations intravenously?

Whether 5. there are o??/?N?/means to carry out the certain analyses when it will be necessary?

When you and to me can respond yourselves to these, etc. appearing questions on items or points we can discuss further strategy of treatment if is not present I do not see sense to conduct consultation.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear sobesenik!

I respond popularly to yours questions:

1. The desire is present.

2. Agents are available (a measure of their use with a view of treatment would be over not polho to outline, for bottomless as you understand, bochek does not happen).

3. The name -VA I shall recollect certainly is perhaps idle time from your questions))))

4. Vnutrevennoe introduction of iron - is not present. For 2 reasons. There is-nobody to enter, and to go to nurses every day I have no an opportunity and 2 - simply I am afraid of needles! Even a blood from a vein I hand over with disgust and pavor!!!!

5. The analysis it is ready to hand over - if it is necessary. But at the given stage I believe to you it is necessary to estimate or appreciate all over again that that at me is, and then to direct or refer me behind additional digits!

Thanks once again for attention:)

It is ready to cooperation.

If only from it or him there would be an advantage or a benefit...

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear Fenshuj!

If you also will concern further to me as to one of interlocutors in a network I am afraid, that all all medical-diagnostic references will be apprehended no more, than dr. Advice or councils and- *quot; as it is successful to marry *quot; or *quot; how to earn fairly ??????*quot;. As even advice or councils of doctors real to you are sometimes indifferent.

Simple arithmetics: if to assume, that the hemoglobin at you somewhere 80-90 and mass of a body about 55-65 kg up to for only treatment of an anemia is required to you nearby 1 g an ion. The gland, at the best is soaked up 10-12 % from accepted, therefore to consume to you the dose of 200 mg day is necessary 9-10 g, similar, that to you *quot; not ?nNO*quot;, from here give the God, that day you will master 100 mg, then a cycle of treatment at absence every possible periodic krovopoter 9/0,1 = 90 days of daily reception of iron (and it at least!). If by means of simple analyses at you disturbance of an absorption as intravenous introduction simply is not present other alternative (yes will be defined or determined to not translate vainly tablet).

My purpose to learn is more than you how correctly to be treated and supervise treatment (and anything), to try to solve your problems which will appear during treatment. Me will absolutely not interest as or where to execute this or that analysis or to buy or purchase a preparation. If want to choose the most comprehensible combination the price-quality will look for/ring round drugstores.

Also can not pay attention to all written.

For the beginning, once again re-read all my postings and work to answer all questions which set also which you have for some reason ignored. Be close or attentive, first of all to itself, that is not clear - ask. I hope all at you it will turn out...

28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear dock!

Allow to disagree with you.

Your hasty conclusions of relative my levity in the approach to the given question (we shall specify: to my treatment) are absolutely groundless.

I really wish to understand that with me: why on my weight (as you have correctly noticed) 55 kg., at body height 173 I have only 95 (what that there edenits measurements) to iron or gland instead of put 120-140.

And my tone which seems to you derisive or frivolous - still about what does not speak.

Probably, the majority addressing the help here people adhere to other form of dialogue (for example, is whining or whiningly-snotty or istericheski-), but it is spoken lyrics...

I suggest all taki to think above my state of health.

Today as I already wrote to you - again were bloody allocation (posled.tsikl was 2 weeks ago)-me it besppokoit seriously.

Since first such already was and then there was a bleeding, and in the second that a problem with gemogl. It is visible from here - for there is a loss of blood (let even not appreciable).

Unfortunately has forgotten today -you analyses to show, as well as promised. Tomorrow I shall try to not forget.

But it is probable this problem any more your specialization though it is difficult to me to judge area of your knowledge of medicine as a whole and gynecology in particular.

But what to do or make? With what to begin? How to be?

So, I ask you - your output or exit!

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear Fenshuj!

Precisely, a problem in the following: the gland follows from you (with a blood) more, than acquire with nutrition, therefore in parallel it is necessary to decide - to increase 2 problems or tasks potr. The gland and to lower its or his wastes. The insignificant hemorrhage in day turns around appreciable in a month, it is enough to lose 2-3 ml in day, that one delivery it would be impossible to compensate.

Let's begin with the first and at once questions: as you drank or saw Sorbifer - up to meal or after, in the morning during the lunchtime or in the evening, than washed down, whether tried to drink on 1 tablet, bad habits, alimentary predilections (meat nutrition, milk or dairy and so forth), the name of a preparation (multi-coloured which to you went), results of analyses, whether handed over a blood from a vein on iron and OZHSS, results if is not present it is necessary to hand over.

On the second: being not the gynecologist and not knowing the reason of yours vydeleny, me 2 ways of the termination or discontinuance intercyclic vydeleny are known only: reception of cyclic peroral contraceptives and purpose or appointment antifibrinolitikov. Try to formulate more particularly as/when data of allocation begin and ask a question at a forum gynecology in sootv. Section, try to state more in detail, the moderator can that will prompt.

I wait for results and answers mA my questions.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear dock.

Analyses today has taken, I can not find abriviatury OZHSS which yet you ask (what is it?)

At me is = on the general or common analysis (from a finger) and biohimich.analiz bloods (probably from a vein - since from it or her I precisely handed over it) - there about any acids.

As to bad habits - I smoke (I drink only on holidays and a little - absence of a free time - and thanks God) does not allow

On the bill of loss as you speak 1-2 ml. Bloods in day - but in fact at me allocation daily and only nesk.dnej in the middle of a cycle. But on the given question I have already understood that I shall advise at the gynecologist.

Sorbifer I accepted - it seems on 2 tab. in day up to meal (precisely up to meal-remember!).

The name *quot; ??O*quot; yet has not found out - today I shall try to make it!

Thanks for the help.

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Uv. Fenshuj!

If will not complicate, publish all results which are, plus number of delivery.

Whether you tried to drink a smaller dose sorbifera, than washed down, that prefer in a delivery that are not transferred or carried/is acquired.

Count the general or common number of days in a month when you mark or celebrate krov.vydelenija, including monthly and pomnozhte on number of months during which you already mark or celebrate it, moreover what not 2 and not 3 ml you lose in day then can estimate or appreciate, what your real losses.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Here analyses of a blood:

It on biohim.issled.krovi (date 09):




Alkaline -120



Straight line -1,5


Triglitserin (Fe)-9.7

KFK (OSS)-59,1

And following (there all on English I result or bring as is) 07/09/03:









PLT-239 0.263

MPV 11.0 19.6

%LYMPH-28.7 %

%MID-16.6 %

%GRAN-54.7 %




Here it as to analyses.

And now on your questions:

1. I did not try to drink a smaller dose - I have had a drink tab. of week 2 (constantly soprovozzhdalos all the above-stated reaction of an organism) and have thrown this business, having solved or decided that the given tablets simply do not approach or suit me. To me one more sovetyvali - can even be recollected what but they were more dear or expensive than time in 3 and I could not them to myself for that moment allow. Here. Washed down tab. prosoj with water.

2. In a delivery I prefer all. I eat normally (and in osobenosti - since mum constantly forces meat *quot; ?a???aOy*quot; on meat, apples, a liver, grechku - is shorter vezede where soderzh. Iron). The truth och. I get tired - since I study and I work simultaneously and almost never there are houses: (only if to sleep. It strongly exhausts and weakens.

3. On the bill vydeleny - here is useless to consider or count. It already och. For a long time has begun not year and not 2 back. After that there was a bleeding (I already wrote to you) - then I was treated also all like would stop - but here is how see have begun it seems again: ((((

Hematologist to me has told or said that I should 3 spend on drink month iron tably and then come on W. The analysis of a blood to look or see as it at me usvaivaetsa - but I for the present have not begun will so speak on a regular basis to accept these or it tably.

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Under analyses:

Are lowered:

Hemoglobin HGB-9.5 (12.3-15.3)

Hematocrit HCT-28.8 (35-47)

Compare volume of erythrocyte MCV-60.5 (80-96) - a microcythemia

Compare sod. gemogl. In eritr. MCH-20.0 (28-33) - a hypochromia

On the bottom border of norm or rate - MCHC-33.0 (33-36)

It is increased RDW-17.6 (up to 14,0-14,5) an anisocytosis.

From biochemistry following parameters interested:

In the column *quot; ?O?u??NO??*quot; have written the maintenance or contents of iron (Fe)-9.7 on the bottom border of norm or rate

In the column *quot; eoe*quot; have written obshch. zhelezosvjazyvajushchuju ability of Serum of a blood (OSS)-59,1 too in the bottom range, but at an estimation of saturation tranferrina iron Fe/OCC = 9.7/59,1 = 0,16 or 16 %, when in norm or rate of 25-35 %.

At your analyses there is an iron deficiency anemia of average gravity.

Plan of action following: not entering you in -wastes, you start to accept after meal (any plentiful) one (!) tablet Sorbifera together with 500 mg (!) of Acidum ascorbinicum (vitamin C). Vitamin C will choose more cheaply, but glavno in the big dosage, napr.:

VITAMIN C tab. 250 10 (Vifiteh)

VITAMIN C tab. 500 10 (Asfarma)

VITAMIN C tab. 500 10 (Dalhimfarm)

VITAMIN C tab. 500 10 (Uralbiofarm)

VITAMIN C tab. 500 10 (Usolye-Siberian HFK)

To wash down something sourish (juice without a pulp) to not wash down with strong tea, coffee, a pier. Products.

It is desirable to include or switch on in that reception of peep 50-100 g meat nutrition.

The purpose: to achieve the maximal absorption and to lower probability. Actions.

If it will be possible, later 2-3 n to pass to dopishchevomu to acceptance and a gland and vit. With if also it will be possible to pass to morning toshchakovomu to reception (for 0,5-1 ch till a breakfast).

It is not possible to use Sorbifer, Zinci sulfas containing iron or gland - to ask the price of an iron preparation fumarat (Heferol)

Check of efficiency of any of variants which to you is comprehensible:

1. In any first 2-3 days after steady c reception of iron peresdat the analysis of a blood on Fe - if is soaked up normally should will increase till 18-20.

2. Within 7-8 days of steady reception to check up number of reticulocytes - should become raised or increased.

3. Later 1,5-2 ned. To hand over obshch. an. Bloods the above-stated lowered parameters - should start to increase or be enlarged.

Mum it is necessary to obey: to increase day time consumption of meat (zhelat. A beef) up to 100-150 g to try it is less to smoke, if the age it is necessary to increase in a ration presence of alcohol till 20-25 g in recalculation by 100 % alcohol allows: better slaboalkogolnyh qualitative (!) a glass of red wine, 0,25-0,33 l rather weak beer - alcohol improves an absorption of iron.

ustalos, a sleepiness, depression of memory and working capacity - all attributes of fabric deficiency of iron (also fragility/roughness of fingernails or nails, abaissement/xerasia, depression of immunity).

There will be questions/problems - write.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear dock.

Thanks huge - at me simply is not present words.

I the truth am very grateful to you for consultation.

I shall start to do or make all as you will tell or say.

Only I have some questions:

1. For what to combine reception of iron with vitamin C (he promotes improvement of assimilation of iron?)

2. How much once a day after dense meal to accept iron tablets (I so have understood that once a day)

3. Why doctors advise at once prinmat iron, or appoint or nominate what that treatment - instead of find out the reason of an anemia? In fact at me it or her never was earlier. It cannot be caused also and hereditary parameters - since mum never and during beremenosti in particular did not suffer than that similar.

By the way, the age allows (to me 22) but health as you can see - does not recommend the use of alcohol to me:)))) - well it I try to joke! Excuse.

Once again thanks for the help.

Dr. Vad
28.05.2005, 23:24
Dear Fenshuj!

1. Precisely, for intensifying an absorption of iron (somewhere on 30-40 %) it is recommended on everyone of 30 mg of ionic iron of 150-200 mg vit. With, in Sorbifere the gland Zinci sulfas of 360 mg, that should contain

There correspond or meet 100 mg ionic Fe (please check up) plus insignificant quantity or amount vit. With (60 mg), more intensive absorption should lower % of iron in a lumen of an intestine and according to it or him. Action. To that mu you smoke, it lowers concentration vit. With in a blood, therefore it is necessary to accept it or him more.

2. Begin with an once, if it will turn out to pass on toshchakovyj reception (the nutrition interferes with an absorption of iron) if on an empty stomach there will be again diarrheas after meal but 2 times, are better with an interval 8-10 ch between tablets.

3. As to a hematologist the reason of an anemia to me is clear - a chronic hemorrhage from sexual ways, and that is why it occurs or happens and as it to treat - to ask gynecologists better. Besides it is probable at you there is helikobakternaja an infection in a stomach, changing acidity and the maintenance or contents of Acidum ascorbinicum, this infection reduces mastering iron that can independently cause an anemia or aggravate it or her at presence dr. The reasons.

It is possible to hand over analyses on its or her presence and if it will be possible to you at its or her detection I shall tell about its or her ways eradikatsii. By the way, if peroral therapy by iron will not go right, can it is necessary get rid all over again of it or her, and then continue treatment.

Earlier at you and monthly was not also intercyclic krovopoter and did not smoke and in general the life was better...

PS. Rather weak alcohol in the moderate quantities or amounts is in the given situation for you a medicine, instead of excesses or harm to health.

28.05.2005, 23:24
Dock, thanks for consultation once again,

It is a pity just you have not understood the latent sense prikola about spitrnye drinks. I set then a question in a forehead:

Whether it is possible to combine the given medicines with alcohol?

Whether will follow what reaction?

Though probably if you advise then are not present.

But nevertheless...