Просмотр полной версии : How to strengthen immunity

20.04.2005, 10:07
Since feralja month at me the temperature, happens a break on couple of days when it or her is not present and like it's OK, and then again begins, almost every month I take the week sick-list, last time the doctor has appointed or nominated ferveks on 2 bags in day and plentiful warm drink, only when me have written out temperature and has remained 37.2
Handed over usual analyses
-blood from a finger
-blood on vich and spid
The-analysis wet
- fljurografija

All analyses good
Was at the gynecologist, any vospoleny or infections are not present, constantly I drink vitamins

Now the temperature by the evening becomes above 38,5 - 39
The head is turned and have tortured headaches, such status cho all floats under legs or foots and it seems that here here will lose consciousness, what with me?

20.04.2005, 12:24
I think, that immunity here not and.

Hand over once again a blood from a finger, urine and make an echocardiography (US of heart).
Except for a flu, it still can be a septic endocarditis.