Просмотр полной версии : Anemia not a clear genesis, a hemoglobin - 4.2, a hematocrit - 12 %, about 10 months..

30.11.2004, 17:56
The patient lays at me in chamber 3 days and I while at deadlock... BACKGROUND:

4 days ago in the general or common cardiology the patient of 65 years with clinic of an astable stenocardia (pressure behind a breast bone, gives to the left arm or hand, a scapula), a BP 140/80 acts,

Give Sodium nitritums, reduce a BP, remove or take out an electrocardiogram-there there is depression ST in V2-4 thoracal abductions - 1.5 mm, but without dynamics or changes within 8-9 hours, on an old electrocardiogram - is absolute as. Enzymes normal. The attack is stoped, the analysis of a blood - a hemoglobin 4.7 comes.

With it or this it or her translate to me in chamber in therapy.

In total after its or her occurrence in chamber::

The anamnesis: always on a life - a BP - 100-110/60-70, at rising up to 130-140 - clinic gipert. A crisis

In January of this year has caused or called fast on the next hypertonic crisis. The arrived doctor has lowered a BP, and has told or said, that she acyanotic, at it or her an anemia, and it is necessary to make the analysis of a blood. She has made, then for the first time has come to light HB - 4, for some reason in an out-patient department on it have not reacted. The same doctor with fast has told or said to drink iron and vit 12 - she has spent on drink itself a course of iron and has pierced vit 12, has handed over a blood - HB - 5.

It is more in this occasion it was not treated and it was not surveyed. Since then have sharply started to collapse or be blasted - to be crumbled a teeth - and 3 months ago, at excision of 5 teeth - there was longly proceeded bleeding from a box.

Never than did not hurt or be ill;be sick, operations were not, prof. Harmfulnesses are not present - manager. A warehouse., any preparations did not accept, bad habits denies.

At inspection: all soft and painless...

The lymphonodus on the right in inguinal area - 3*2 sm, motionless, painless is palpated.



HT - 16 % (then 12 %),

Erythrocytes - 2.2,

Maintenance or Contents HB in an erythrocyte - I do not remember digit, but it is lowered,

Reticulocytes - 11 promile,

Color parameter 0.65,

Thrombocytes - 450 (In OTHER ANALYSIS - 188 - I SHALL not understand WHERE the MISTAKE or ERROR),

Lymphocytes - 20, all rest in norm or rate - is more... Singing are not present.

Leucocytes - 4000

In urine - norm or rate, fiber is not present.

It is spent:

Gastroscopy: atrofichnaja anemic mucous, 2 polyps - the biopsy is taken - is yet ready.

Colonoscopy - anything

US of organs of an abdominal cavity: a lien - 110*89*99 - the conclusion - a splenomegaly, (but, certainly it is not palpated). A liver neznachit. It is increased, homogeneous, etc.

steralnaja a puncture: - a punctate About-about-very or -very much poor or scanty - hardly, having displaced a needle, have pulled any quantity or amount of cells - therefore the answer inspires me doubts, but nevertheless - there is increased -in erythropoietic to-to, leukocytic - is suppressed, megacaryocytes - have not found out (?)

X-ray inspection - a thorax, flat bones (a basin, a skull), an abdominal cavity - anything.

The gynecologist, the urologist, the proctologist - anything.

- The program a minimum - I wait - for full biochemistry - with iron, OZHSS, fiber of all and on fractions - tomorrow will be. (while - jony, enzymes, a creatinine, urea - in norm or rate), coagulograms - too tomorrow will be.

- The program a maximum - a biopsy of that lymphonodus on Monday - but che I from it or her do not wait for anything... Inguinal..... But a splenomegaly...

While has started to receive -+.. All the same an anemia obviously iron deficiency

Surprises, that she thus not bad herself feels - delicacy... Sometimes govovokruzhenie...

Please... At whom will be ideas - I wait komentariev - for any I shall be grateful,

But here questions which spin:

1) cancer? Where?

2) it is simple ZHDA? - whether there can be she so expressed?

3) any aplastic anemia? A hypersplenism? - then like all cells should collapse or be blasted... Or it is unessential?

4) a leukosis? What?-

5) that else?

6) how still or even to survey... - - 3 days in hospital with the diagnosis *quot; an anemia not clear uN?N?a*quot;

Dr. Vad
01.12.2004, 21:03
Dear the colleague!

When receive results syv. A gland and OZHSS - tactics following: if also iron and OZHSS will be lowered (despite of reception durulesa) problems can be described as an anemia hr. Diseases also that would not find to treat it or her i.v. purpose or appointment of iron and erythropoetin plus it is possible antitsitokinovuju therapy; if syv. Iron is lowered, and OZHSS is raised or increased, disturbance of an absorption of iron - can be anything you like, including presence helikobaktera - the best decision parenteral introduction of iron, more longly and more difficultly - eradikatsija HP, dr. The reasons, rising of an absorption of iron by purpose or appointment with suktsinilatom/a?OiaO? (the control of efficiency over rise syv. A gland); it is high iron, low OZHSS - an anemia hr. zab. Without disturbance of an absorption - treatment of disease or purpose or appointment of erythropoetin.

Except for that the combination of the above-stated reasons to a hypersplenism is not excluded, hardly there is a KM disturbance of development or manufacture, but the analysis of KM can be necessary and alter. How did or made thrombocytes and in what days?: sometimes in the automatic device microerythrocytes can poschityvatsja as thrombocytes, leucocytes could be and more...

L/at sectoral (not punktsionnaja!) the biopsy is useful, for a leukosis - only the given KM (and you there have not found it or him), there can be something of type of a myelodisplasia with a myelosclerosis, but for this purpose it is similar necessary to do or make not punktsionnoe research of KM, and trepanobiopsiju.

ZHDA there can be any, but is not excluded, that behind its or her prescription, etc. the reasons anemizatsii have aggravated it or her.

Specify it or her eritropokazateli, including RDW, syv. Iron, OZHSS, koagul. To- also we shall solve what further to survey...