Просмотр полной версии : anemija.nehvatka a gland in a blood

01.09.2004, 20:53
At my wife chronic shortage of iron in krovi.nemnogo will lift a level after nyxes. And then all the same the level of iron padaet.nemetskie tablets badly usvaivajutsja.zheludok not prinimaet.nemnogo helps or assists fenjuls and krojter bljud.chem lechit.mozhet there are grasses for preventive lechenija.i genikologi approve or confirm that very plentiful monthly are connected with shortage zheleza.eto the truth?

Dr. Vad
02.10.2004, 00:48
Where did or made nyxes and what?

Whether there is an opportunity to make any inspections?

Quite often, a resistance to peroral -there a gland are connected:

With deficiency of Zincum (days the additive of 15 mg);

With presence helikobakternoj infections (eradikatsija course AB);

The lowered acidity (will replace. Therapy, vitamin C together with that of iron at the rate of 10 mg on 1 mg of iron).

Really, usually at ZHD the hemorrhage with monthly increases or is enlarged.

For depression: if there are premenstrual pains - Naproxenum of 500 mg day for all period monthly;

If is not present - tsiklokapron (traneksamovaja to-that) on 1 g 3 times day for all period krovitechenija.

02.10.2004, 15:01
Pricked a solution of iron or gland and vitamin 12. Today have given the prescription on CYCLOKAPRON FTA *quot; = ST N1.

Dr. Vad
04.10.2004, 17:55
I shall specify questions: to prick iron it is necessary in a vein - napr. The most known on nemetskogovorjashchih territories *quot; eN?oNO*quot; it is appointed or nominated on an ampoule (100 mg) usually in day, gets divorced on izotonich. r- 100 ml also it is entered slowly - full course of treatment for the person with mass of a body 60-70 kg - such 13-15 injections if a hemoglobin 90 g/l or 11-12 - if 105 g/l.

Intramuscular injections of iron, also purpose or appointment of cobalamine - not absolutely rational treatment zhelezodef. Anemias.

TSiklokapron on hearings Pfajzer is going to to cease to let out or release, whether is in Germany Ekzatsil from Sanofi?

06.10.2004, 22:12
Certainly in a vein! And it is absolutely good to define or determine for an estimation of stocks of iron a ferritin and transferin. Serumal iron too can be looked or seen. Though I not so believe in peroral iron, but here maltofer like would well be acquired, it is possible to try or taste if roads Venofer.

06.10.2004, 23:09
How it is fast (for target) to be restored after a strong bleeding? Plus on a background of traditionally low level of a hemoglobin.

Dr. Vad
07.10.2004, 05:18
Ideally - a transfusion odnogrupnoj eritromassy.

If i.v. iron - that within several weeks.

Low hemoglobin - not tradition, and disease under the name *quot; a?N??n*quot;.

There will be a desire to be treated seriously (so laboriously and it is long) - write.

07.10.2004, 05:48
How it is fast (for target) to be restored after a strong bleeding? Plus on a background of traditionally low level of a hemoglobin.

What it is required to restore for target?