Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Comment, please, on a wedge an bloods: gemog 11...

23.08.2004, 12:34
Hello, the doctor! Comment, please, on a wedge an bloods: gemog 11, 2. erit 3, 7. tsv display 0, 91. A thrombus 214, 6. lejk 3, 2. palochk 1. A segment 48. eozen 8. Lymphs 41. monots 2. soe 10. Saccharum 4, 3. A prothrombus 100. And it or this, I had a strong allergy, can, she has affected or influenced results. What to do or make with such parameters, and leucocytes always below norm or rate (was kak-that 1, 7) Yours faithfully. Thanks.

26.08.2004, 12:32
Hello, Raisa!. On priedennym
You to analyses of anything to tell or say it is impossible. This information has not enough. Inspection at a hematologist is necessary for you.

30.08.2004, 01:27
Dear Ilya, thanks you for the answer. Whether tell or say, please, the head can be turned from such parameters. And still ask you though to something to tell or say about results, t. To. Get to a hematologist I can only in 2 weeks. Thanks.

31.08.2004, 15:57
FROM such parameters, " the head to be turned should not ". In the analysis the moderate leukopenia about which reason to speak it is not obviously possible. Survey of a hematologist is necessary.

04.09.2004, 15:54
Dear, Ilya! I am very grateful to you, that you do not disregard questions. I have got out yesterday in onkodispanser, a hematologist have told or said, that there is limfotsitoz-what is it? which reason can be worms (?), at my place a dog or problems with a liver (I do not drink absolutely, fat almost I do not eat), and also iz-for strong stress which at me was in May. And gemogl 11, 2 norm or rate (?). Has given with a reluctance napravl. On onkomarkery supposedly to do or make to me there is nothing. What to me now to do or make? Yours faithfully.

07.09.2004, 12:47
Raisa! If the analysis resulted or brought above is what you showed the doctor, lmifotsitoz 41 % (rising of quantity or amount of lymphocytes up to 41 % from the general or common tsisla leucocytes) and a hemoglobin 112 g/l - changes so moderated or moderate, that do not allow to speak about any disease particularly. An another matter - depression of the general or common uronja leucocytes up to 3, 2 (and especially up to 1, 7 if analyses were correct). The analysis on "onkomarkery" it is valid to you, most likely, will not explain a situation (with its or his help it is impossible to diagnose hematological diseases, one of which at you most likely is). Good hematological inspection is necessary for you. If your hematologist cannot borrow or occupy in it or him, you need to address for consultation in the large hematological center (is in Moscow, Piterburge, Ekaterininburge, Novosibirsk, Barnaul).

08.09.2004, 02:39
Good afternoon, the doctor!
Tell or Say, please, in what center in Moscow to address better to receive good inspection in connection with a hematology? Whether it will be dear or expensive, I am limited in agents. Thanks.

08.09.2004, 21:37
Good afternoon! Better in the Hematological centre of science of Russian Academy of Medical Science. In occasion of the prices, unfortunately anything I can not tell or say, I do not know.