Просмотр полной версии : Aplastic anemia and self-restoration of an osteal brain

01.09.2004, 19:30
The woman of 28 years.

As a result of aggression T of the lymphocytes, found out three and a half of a year back my osteal brain prochti has been destroyed - an aplastic anemia. I believe, that now aggression has passed or has taken place, though and now to destination the doctor I accept on 50 Sandimun neoral daily (gradually we reduce a dose of this medicine, others are cancelled for a long time)

The doctor has told or said, that kostnyts the brain is restored (in case of if agressi is not present)

It would be desirable to learn or find out approximate terms for which probably self-restoration of an osteal brain up to that level when analyses of a blood will be in norm or rate, 3 months? 3 years? 20 years? Never, as the organism of norm or rate does not know and has got used to new norm or rate....?

I understand, that the answer is not present, but it would be desirable to receive truthful, instead of the optimistic answer.... Let even he sounds from a floor of year till 20 years or from 2 months till all life...

Simply I should know the minimal real terms.

In advance I thank.

Last months analyses

Leikots. 3.3-4.5 (at the same dose of medicines was and 7)

Granulats. 1.43-2.5

Eretr. 3.3-3.5

Hg 120-130

trombots 120-145

In hospital has got with:

Le 2.6

Er 1.61

Hb 67

Tr 17

Originally prinemala: prednizalon (10 tabl), antibiotics, sandimun 300 mg, epreks, antitimotsitarnyj a globulin (one course full and repeatedly vague), a hemotransfusion, through a floor of year of a medicine have gradually started to cancel

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
In process of depression sandimmuna up to a full cancelling, if *quot; auON???n*quot; will not renew, consider or count, that you have recovered: seichas parameters perif. Bloods a little than differ from the healthy person.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It agree with Vadim Valerevicha's opinion.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer. Whether means it, that if aggression will not appear, my parameters of a blood (and the structure of an osteal brain) can become from *quot; almost ?O?a?y?UO*quot; *quot; absolutely ?O?a?y?U??*quot; it is literally for 2-3 months (or more likely for a year)?

How much or As far as I have understood from analyses (trepanation?) now zapolnennost an osteal brain at me in district of 0-20 %, it still not 50 %.... And at all 25 %, as at older persons.

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Vija!

Not essentially, how much or as far as *quot; ?a??N?*quot; KM (what its or his cellularity) - sufficiency of cellular elements in a peripheric blood is important and it is necessary to be guided by it or her. With the purpose of an educational program: in comparison from newborns, at children's age cellularity of KM approximately 60-80 %, at adults of 40-70 % and elderly 25-30 % - however it at all nobody prevents to have the normal analysis of a peripheric blood at any age.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well... It turns out, that now fullness of an osteal brain at me is worse than at the average dead man:D

And analyses of a blood. I understand, as with it or this it is possible to survive. But with the years the situation to worsen... And if at me now 0-20 % then there will be 0-10 % (and at such fullness I can have problems). And I still to give birth or travail I want!:)

Therefore I am aimed at more good results. And the internal desire and belief plays a greater or big role. You, as the doctor, know it.

Therefore I and zatsiklena on a question - *quot; una*quot; (as the osteal brain) is quickly restored. What to wish (to believe, put the purposes) something, that is really possible or probable.

That is terms (rate) of restoration of an osteal brain are not known? It is known, only what he is restored?

That he is restored I to an extreme measure I know because the status of an osteal brain 3 years ago at me was 0-5 %, now 0-20 %. Probably, it means improvement...:confused: Or it only because the analysis is taken from a few other place of a bone?: (

I am sorry for meticulousness.

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
All depends on that with what compared: how much or as far as I know, the number of cells in 1 mkl strongly varies KM (wide ranges of borders). To what norm or rate compared? What digits at you now? On idea, cellularity cannot be 0 % is an aplasia. Once again I shall repeat: not important, how much cells in KM - are important as they *quot; Oa????a?O?n*quot; (samovosproizvodjat themselves) and how much cells are available on periphery.