Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor, me 24 years, I am ill or sick with an angina. Advise please to...

27.08.2004, 17:21
Hello the doctor, me 24 years, I am ill or sick with an angina. Advise please what antibiotic I can accept, whether the gargle furotsilinom will help or assist.
To you I shall be grateful for consultation as I have no an insurance pole and to pay to doctors of money is not present.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
29.08.2004, 05:12
Lida, certainly, a version of an angina (catarral, follicular, lacunar and t.) can define or determine only survey of the doctor, but time you in such position, we shall try or taste the "general or common" treatment. Mestno apply a gargle warm broths of a sage or a camomile, and also solutions of sodium of Sodium chloridum, Natrii hydrocarbonas, permanganate of a potassium, Acidum boricum, Furacilinum, Aethacridinum of Sodium lactatum. The gargle is made after meal. From antibiotikov-Rovamycinum. At absence rovamitsina-erythromycin (0, 25 0, 50 g in 4 6 hours inside), Oleandomycinum (0, 25 g in 4 6 hours inside), each of these preparations is accepted within 5 day. Faringoseptum in the form of "perlingvalnyh" tablets (4 5 tablets within 3 4 days).
The good effect is marked or celebrated, if for gargles use antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory fitontsidnyj the collecting - zveroboj made a hole (grass) - 2 parts, an oak ordinary (cortex) - 2 ch., a neetle dvudomnaja (leaves) - 1 ch., a tansy ordinary (tsvetki) - 1 ch., a pine ordinary (kidneys) - 1 ch., solodka naked (roots) - 2 ch., grechiha sowing (grass) - 1 ch., 2 table spoons of an admixture to make in 1 glass of boiled water, to insist within 15 20 minutes, from time to time stirring slowly or preventing contents, to filter in a double layer of a gauze, slightly to wring out, cool 30 45 minutes. To apply in the form of a warm gargle of a throat on 1/2 1/3 glasses some times in day. 1/3 glasses can be accepted inside in a warm kind in the morning and in the evening.