Просмотр полной версии : Girls! Help or assist! You here all such are skilled. Well tell or say, that to me to do or make, above...

24.08.2004, 06:14
Girls! Help or assist! You here all such are skilled. Well tell or say, that to me to do or make, it is necessary to grow thin for 2 months!!! Sports zanimatsja-I now cannot now I live in Iran, and here with it or this it is bad. The Japanese diet has not helped or assisted me. Prompt something!!! I available even the Herbalife havat!

The anonym
24.08.2004, 16:16
Lala! And on how much you plan to grow thin? And ANY Herbalife!!!

26.08.2004, 06:43
Esh salatiki i ovosci. Poesh paru mesyazev-rezultat ne zastavit sebya zhdat. Nikakogo sahara (tolko md), bulochek i vostochnyh sladostej. A sportom i doma mozhno zanimatsya. Aerobika Crowford-(ne zan pravilno napisala familiuy ili net..) ochen horoshaya, naprimer. Ili uprazhneniya dlya myshz zhivota, nog, spiny, i ruk s otyagosceniyami. Esli sovmescat Aerobiku i uprazhneniya-mozhet neploho poluchitsya. Massazh, suhie rastiraniya. MKZ ili Splat vpidachu. .Vse vmeste dast rezultat dazhe za korotkij srok.

26.08.2004, 21:16
With Gerbolajfom-that you will grow thin, but to you then will even more return. Do or make so: in shop buy products with the low maintenance or contents of Adeps (2 grams a maximum), also look at a label how much there carbohydrates. From different products choose that contain less calories, drink only skim milk. Do or make exercises for a stomach or belly of the house on kovrike and go on foot every day more. Do not use the lift. To such simple advice or councils you will follow, I guarantee, you will grow thin. And any chocolates, macaroni and cakes... Unless tiny:-)

28.08.2004, 03:22
Very much I advise, without damage to health, buy or purchase C.Grir's book " a magnificent figure zi 15 minutes in day ". If precisely to follow the instructions there described, - you grow thin for two weeks - 100 %, but to do or make it is necessary everyone! Day. I did not believe, but have decided to test and have been amazed or struck. Success!

29.08.2004, 04:04
Eat on Michel Montinjaku and C.Grir " the Magnificent figure for 15 minutes in day ". I thus have grown thin for 2 months for 13 kg and irrevocably!