Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me 23 years, I did or made the analysis of element structure of hair...

25.08.2004, 22:01
Hello, the doctor! To me 23 years, I did or made the analysis of element structure of hair (in Sanavite). Deficiency of chrome and manganese (in 3 and 2, 5 times), a magnesium and sulfur (in 1, 5 and 1, 2 times) and excess of copper in 1, 2 r is revealed. Detailed references are received, but the doctor advises to accept hrom-and marganets-spirulinu (that they and sell) which to me to accept it is impossible iz-for excess of an iodine. NOW actually my question: what you can advise additives and products for a restore of chrome and manganese in which there is not enough iodine and copper?
In advance I thank, Feodor.

Shapovalova L.M.
26.08.2004, 14:03
Hello, Feodor. Probably to you will approach or suit " Vysokakchestvennyj a complex of a calcium " from firm " " - there there is a magnesium, manganese, chrome and hondroitinsulfat (contains sulfur) and is not present an iodine copper.