Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Constantly I accept polyvitaminic complexes. Basically it about...

20.08.2004, 12:02
Hello. Constantly I accept polyvitaminic complexes. Basically it is one tablet in day during meal (as it is written to instructions) Recently has heard, that it is better to divide or undresse this portion into some receptions (breaking a tablet)

21.08.2004, 17:33
Hello. It is incorrect. Basically at manufacturing modern polyvitaminic preparations use the technologies, allowing to combine in one complex antagonists. The tablet becomes similar to a puff pie where one operating or working substance is separated from another indeferentnoj by a layer. Breaking integrity of a tablet you break a principle of gradual liberation of operating or working substances. Therefore to accept follows keeping the instruction, t. To. There are different forms of release (chewing, water-soluble, covered by an environment). Yours faithfully, Svetlana Viktorovna.

22.08.2004, 03:02
Modern style of a life does not allow to keep a healthy diet, a dream, work and rest. Exercise stresses, so, need or requirement for volume and caloric content of meal have decreased. Scientists consider or count: thus it is impossible from traditional set of products to acquire necessary quantity or amount of vitamins, trace substances and other important substances.
And fruit any more as the mankind has exhausted the ground. Apples - a source of iron? It is a legend.
Yes, in 1913 was to eat 2 average of an apple enough to receive daily norm or rate of iron. In 1995 it or this needed 52 apples. The same has occured or happened to other important minerals. Thus all is more share refined and - to everyone than industrially processed nutrition. In her almost always it is not enough useful substances, but there are stains, podslastiteli, emulgents, stabilizers and koe-that else.
Than you pay or can pay in the future for a defective or an incomplete delivery? Loss of immunity, low working capacity, disturbances of a dream, bad appearance, in superfluous or insufficient weight, etc., and t. The item Plus to it or this, grows number of female and man's frustration.
According to researches, the average person sleeps about 7 hours. For comparison - in XVIII century average duration of a dream made nine and a half of hours, and in the extremity or end of XIX century - nine.
Except for that the expressed disturbance of structure or frame of a dream is marked or celebrated if the person snores. For a night at the person 400 500 respiratory standstill can be marked or celebrated, each of which leads to microawakening of a brain. In this situation deep stages of a dream (so-called delta-a dream) disappear. And in delta-a dream series of hormones and, in particular, Testosteron-Depotum - a man's sexual hormone are produced. Depression of its or his production leads to development of an impotency in men. Besides long deterioration of a dream on a background hrapa and a syndrome obstructive apnoe leads to chronic weariness and weakness, that also can reduce and libido (desire).
The most important, that this health of your organism is necessary for a healthy dream. First of all - nervous system. To a brain, nerves and the nervous centers as well as to all your body, protection, a delivery and purification or ablution are necessary. And at all sausage. The trace substances, the certain amino acids, vitamins C, groups In, series of vegetative biologically active substances are necessary to them. Meanwhile, stars of a science have established or installed, that up to 80 % of Russians do not receive even the necessary quantity or amount of vitamins. You should do or make only that benefits. 90 additives to nutrition are necessary for you: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 basic amino acids and fibers containing them and 3 basic fat acids. Only 90 additives to a daily diet, differently at you will develop the diseases caused or called by their deficiency.
Conclusion one: that it is better to not divide or undresse this portion into some receptions, and on the contrary dobavitju.

23.08.2004, 01:25
Modern style of a life does not allow to keep a healthy diet, a dream, work and rest. Exercise stresses, so, need or requirement for volume and caloric content of meal have decreased. Scientists consider or count: thus it is impossible from traditional set of products to acquire necessary quantity or amount of vitamins, trace substances and other important substances.
And fruit any more as the mankind has exhausted the ground. Apples - a source of iron? It is a legend.
Yes, in 1913 was to eat 2 average of an apple enough to receive daily norm or rate of iron. In 1995 it or this needed 52 apples. The same has occured or happened to other important minerals. Thus all is more share refined and - to everyone than industrially processed nutrition. In her almost always it is not enough useful substances, but there are stains, podslastiteli, emulgents, stabilizers and koe-that else.
Than you pay or can pay in the future for a defective or an incomplete delivery? Loss of immunity, low working capacity, disturbances of a dream, bad appearance, in superfluous or insufficient weight, etc., and t. The item Plus to it or this, grows number of female and man's frustration.
According to researches, the average person sleeps about 7 hours. For comparison - in XVIII century average duration of a dream made nine and a half of hours, and in the extremity or end of XIX century - nine.
Except for that the expressed disturbance of structure or frame of a dream is marked or celebrated if the person snores. For a night at the person 400 500 respiratory standstill can be marked or celebrated, each of which leads to microawakening of a brain. In this situation deep stages of a dream (so-called delta-a dream) disappear. And in delta-a dream series of hormones and, in particular, Testosteron-Depotum - a man's sexual hormone are produced. Depression of its or his production leads to development of an impotency in men. Besides long deterioration of a dream on a background hrapa and a syndrome obstructive apnoe leads to chronic weariness and weakness, that also can reduce and libido (desire).
The most important, that this health of your organism is necessary for a healthy dream. First of all - nervous system. To a brain, nerves and the nervous centers as well as to all your body, protection, a delivery and purification or ablution are necessary. And at all sausage. The trace substances, the certain amino acids, vitamins C, groups In, series of vegetative biologically active substances are necessary to them. Meanwhile, stars of a science have established or installed, that up to 80 % of Russians do not receive even the necessary quantity or amount of vitamins. You should do or make only that benefits. 90 additives to nutrition are necessary for you: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 basic amino acids and fibers containing them and 3 basic fat acids. Only 90 additives to a daily diet, differently at you will develop the diseases caused or called by their deficiency.
Conclusion one: that it is better to not divide or undresse this portion into some receptions, and on the contrary dobavitju.