Просмотр полной версии : I already wrote to you (the husband of 25 years) After the first course went on reception. Sostojan...

22.08.2004, 16:52
I already wrote to you (the husband of 25 years)
After the first course went on reception. The status is estimated or appreciated well.
Diagonoz: - the Lymphogranulomatosis 3, LGV with a lesion perif., paraortalnyh, mediastenalnyh l. Sites.
Have told or said that chances of treatment are not present.
Tell or Say it really so? And whether there is still any treatment except for a chemotherapy?
Whether that is it is possible taki to rescue or save all the person?
For earlier thanks.

Doronin V.A.
22.08.2004, 23:28
Chances of treatment are. The chemotherapy is the basic method of treatment. For successful result of treatment the great value has keeping doses and regimens of introduction of preparations. Radial therapy also effetivna. Treatment should be complex - himoterapija + radial therapy.