Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor! To me of 47 years, and I a little lnt strongly drank beer, and at me...

Alexander Novin
18.08.2004, 15:01
Hello the Doctor!
To me of 47 years, and I a little lnt strongly drank beer, and at me now problems with a liver, I poshol to the doctor and he to me have told or said that else a little and I would die, and have appointed or nominated to me course of treatment, I already pochtit have recovered
Whether tell or say please it is possible for me to use beer after treatment, or to forget in general about alcoholic drinks is better?

20.08.2004, 13:52
neuzhelie to you so neterpitsja to die? The answer to your question and so ponjatvn. Cells of a liver amazed or struck are not restored by alcohol. So the decision - for you

21.08.2004, 20:53
kak raz taki vostanavlivayutsa naskolko mne izvestno.
no cheloveku lubyaschemu vipit lutshe ob etom ne gavarit.