Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I do not know, to what doctor particularly to address, therefore I write VA...

17.08.2004, 02:52
Hello! I do not know, to what doctor particularly to address, therefore I write to you. In mae-June of this year I had intensive trainings with a bar, and after at me strong pains in muscles have begun. The strongest painful peaks occur or happen in the mornings approximately in 4 5 mornings during a dream. As soon as I rise, the pain abates or remits also in the afternoon I a back practically I do not feel. From a backbone of problems any is not present, I move without any pains. In city was at the neuropathologist, the therapist - for them it is healthy. Now I visit or attend manualnogo the therapist, but it does not bring special results. Tell or say, how I can restore muscles, t. To. Already the back does not pass or take place half a year.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
20.08.2004, 09:04
Paul, your muscular bol-is a microtraumatism, t. e break of separate muscular fibers. To begin to live it or him absence of loads (only not full rest, and decrease of weight on a bar), balms heating both strengthening a circulation and ointments, grinding and sparing manual massage, warm baths and reception of one dose of the vitamin E six times exceeding daily norm or rate will help or assist.
Fine helps or assists honey massazh-on a sore point honey is put or rendered, and the one whom you ask, pastes and unsticks a palm until honey will not be absorbed or does not become grey. It reduces a pain, helps or assists to restore quickly muscles, clears of slags. Visiting manualnogo the therapist I consider or count inexpedient.