Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, the doctor how you concern to alimentary dobakam Tjan-shi?...

17.08.2004, 02:06
Tell or Say, the doctor how you concern to alimentary dobakam Tjan-shi?

Shapovalova L.M.
18.08.2004, 05:00
Hello, Love. Wrote already repeatedly - I disapprove, as, - to my opinion, absolutely unreasonable parity or ratio tsena/quality (korditseps I bought in the Chinese drugstore in Moscow on 85 rub, the truth, now this mistake or error have corrected and already do not sell, three nine refer to system of drugstores), in occasion of a calcium in general is not clear that carry - if the ionized calcium is necessary - buy in a drugstore Calcium chloratum if nuzhet integrally connected - take chelated forms, or gluconat, Glycerophosphatum, Sodium lactatum and so on - in bones is not present integrally svjazannago a calcium - a calcium is called as the INORGANIC MATRIX of the OSTEAL TISSUE - gidroksiapatita a calcium - consisting of a carbonate, Natrii phosphas and oksida a calcium and wash away it or him from a bone a hydrochloric acid - t. e. Translating in a status of Calcium chloratum. Chlorine, usually, delete and do or make hydroNatrii phosphas of a calcium which use in additives. On structure kaltsievoj additives offered this firm can be assumed, that chlorine in this case will neutralize an egg and milk or dairy powder and declare the ionic form inherent in Calcium chloratum. Besides I recommend to click on panelku " Caution to consumers BAD " is clause or article from magazine " Safety lekrstv " - on the Chinese additives many complications are registered in the world, I think at us will be not less, only here who to you will replace kidneys? If want, write to me to the address of pharma@hospital. ru and I you still more many such clauses or articles.