Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors. Give vse-taki we shall be defined or determined with volume and frequency obsled...

09.08.2004, 16:35
Dear doctors.
Give vse-taki we shall be defined or determined with volume and frequency of inspections necessary for early diagnostics of oncologic and other diseases!
Means so:
Roentgen of a thorax of 2 projections (fljurografija heard often does not allow to define or determine a cancer at early stages) - 1 time in half a year (tk for 1 year the cancer can reach up to 3/and can and 4 stages) either kt or MRT or jart that is better?? A bronchoscopy
2. A roentgen GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT with contrast a gastroscopy rektromanokolonoskopija
3. uzi hearts, shchitovidki abdominal and organs of a small basin, TRUZI prostates, heard that do or make uzi soft tissues, whether stomach and intestines so it?
Probably it is better to do or make at once the tomogram of all body at the same time with contrast (tokma for GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT isosudov different contrast is used, what a) that twenty times to not be irradiated for different parts of a body though it is besides obscure as at the tomogram to find out small tumours (<5)?
4. The general or common analysis of a blood (it is sufficient for opred. Leukoses?) biochemistry (what exactly??) to check up job of different organs.
On what a blood to hand over?
It is possible still onkomarkery, But they as I have understood except for PSA are not specific
The general or common inspections:
5. Survey of an eyeground, the general or common analysis wet, on hepatitises, spid, RW, ZPPP.
And still a feces on an infection (not clearly what), an occult blood, survey lorom nasopharynxes.

CHto-I have forgotten something?

Ermakov A.I.
10.08.2004, 18:46
The dear visitor (allow me to not name you that anybody to which you were presented)! Vse-taki to be defined or determined it is necessary with that problem which you have because differently it is possible to spend all for nothing a lot of time and money. What iskat-that be going to? Or someone surveys you? Can ask it or him (it or her).

12.08.2004, 09:51
As a whole intersuet volume of regular preventive inspections. From you the answer most likely is necessary: what analyses are necessary for diagnostics of diseases of a blood (when there is no oshchutimyh displays), well and if can respond and as a whole: what should enter into regular inspections (prophylactic medical examination?), - that too will be quite good.

13.08.2004, 22:28
As a whole intersuet volume of regular preventive inspections. From you the answer most likely is necessary: what analyses are necessary for diagnostics of diseases of a blood (when there is no oshchutimyh displays), well and if can respond and as a whole: what should enter into regular inspections (prophylactic medical examination?), - that too will be quite good.

14.08.2004, 23:32
As a whole intersuet volume of regular preventive inspections. From you the answer most likely is necessary: what analyses are necessary for diagnostics of diseases of a blood (when there is no oshchutimyh displays), well and if can respond and as a whole: what should enter into regular inspections (prophylactic medical examination?), - that too will be quite good.

Ermakov A.I.
15.08.2004, 15:40
For primary diagnostics of diseases of a blood annually enough to hand over the general or common analysis of a blood with thrombocytes (more often, than time in half a year, it it is not necessary), and also to pass or take place survey of the NORMAL COMPETENT therapist which attentively and skilfully looks, listens and asks. We shall tell or say to shine themselves rentgenom, to sit in turns on US, not speaking about a sternal puncture and trepanobiopsii the osteal brain - absolutely is not present necessity.

17.08.2004, 01:10
Clearly. About uzi and I spoke a roentgen not in a context of a hematology. Recommend pliz kakunit the literature on decoding analyses of a blood and where it or she can be bought or purchased.

Ermakov A.I.
17.08.2004, 13:29
In medknige buy or purchase any directory on laboratory diagnostics. And it is better to ask the doctor, and that on ignorance each slightly changed parameter (even within the limits of a mistake or an error of a method) can provoke an idea on incurable disease. And if it will be 2 or 3 parameters - it is terrible to think...