Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, than your negative attitude or relation to BAD a computer is proved...

14.08.2004, 16:26
Tell or Say, please, than your negative attitude or relation to BAD companies Vision is proved. About Tjan shi I have understood all, but in fact Vision it is the Russian company and a product at it or her qualitative. Explain, please, the position.

Shapovalova L.M.
14.08.2004, 20:34
Hello, Olga. Voobshche-that, how much or as far as I remember, Vision - the French company, at least I poznakomilaas with her in 1996, arranging presentation to the French with the translator. I consider or count, that the product at this company in general is not present. 80 % of a product contain vegetative ingredinety, vitamins and minerals, practically in doses only hardly hardly exceeding a homeopathy (in 10 - 100 times less than physiological norm or rate for the person), and in 20 % of production are a lot of stimulators. In general structure in any way it is impossible to explain efficiency of this production (as it or she is painted with people working with her) so in production there are not specified ingredients (as with Furosemidum and disqualification Kabaevoj) or it is psychogenic effect effect platsebo pomnohennyj on psiholingvisticheskoe programming.

15.08.2004, 12:29
Thanks for the answer. Has not understood as it at this company not much is not present a product - to me have presented very various lines of production. And more as it is possible to explain tremendous results when aljudi leave from operations, physical inabilities, an oncology?! In advance thanks for the answer!

Smolenkov A.D. (Ecologist)
16.08.2004, 15:01
I shall dare to express here the opinion, t. To. The given conference is read by many, and I categorically do not agree with Lyudmila Mihajlovnoj in occasion of VISION. 1. In many products really maintenance or contents of some vitamins below norm or rate recommended by Ministry of Health, however at reception is appointed or nominated some preparations simultaneously, thus vitamins are summarized and we receive necessary quantity or amount. Such system is more flexible or floppy, considering a status of the given concrete person, than the same Irving Nejturalz where all is pushed in one capsule and turns out a monopreparation. Besides for those who simply fills the shortage some vitamins and minerals, exists Lajfpak + where 4 capsules enter. Antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and PROBIOHABIT SPASMS:. All doses of vitamins on every day + an extract grape vyzhimki, containing rezveratrol - the strongest antioxidant + probiotki, providing mastering of vitamins B an intestine are necessary. 2. Lyudmila Mihajlovna - the greater supporter of use for strengthening health of vitamins, minerals and other individual substances of type of a lecithine, giperitsina, etc. which effectiveness farmokologija has already proved. Thus treatment by grasses in Lyudmila Mihajlovny's concept is not supposed, with small exception for alimentary plants. As a result is valid if to deny action of vegetative components, superficially to look at the maintenance or contents of vitamins it is necessary to explain really high efficiency any conjectures...
High efficiency of preparations VISION speaks high technologies of manufacture - cryogenic crushing and a supercritical fluid ex-traction at which 100 %-th efficiency of a plant (are saved practically at drying and zavarivanii less than 5 %) and the natural parity or ratio of useful components of a plant, keeping of the highest standards of manufacture - GMP and by itself a competent combination of components of the preparation strengthening action each other does not change.

Shapovalova L.M.
17.08.2004, 07:22
Hello, Olga. You ask:
" Has not understood as it at this company not much is not present a product - to me have presented very various lines of production ". I have responded you earlier:
" 80 % of a product contain vegetative ingredinety, vitamins and minerals, practically in doses only hardly hardly exceeding a homeopathy (in 10 - 100 times less than physiological norm or rate for the person) "
And on your question:
" And more as it is possible to explain tremendous results when aljudi leave from operations, physical inabilities, an oncology? "
I also have responded earlier:
" In general structure in any way it is impossible to explain efficiency of this production (as it or she is painted with people working with her) so in production there are not SPECIFIED INGREDIENTS (as with Furosemidum and disqualification Kabaevoj) or it is PSYCHOGENIC EFFECT - EFFECT LATSEBBO MULTIPLIED ON PSIHOLINGVISTICHESKOE PROGRAMMING widely used this (a typical example - Alexander's answer) and some other firms. "

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