Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To my son of 6 years. Recently did or made a coagulogram. Ht = 3...

13.08.2004, 23:05
Hello, the doctor! To my son of 6 years. Recently did or made a coagulogram. Ht = 31 %, Trombinovoe time 18 (norm or rate 17 18), Trombinovoe time with PS 12 (norm or rate 10 12), the Free heparin 6 (norm or rate 5 6), the Prothrombin 89 (norm or rate of 80 90 %), APTV 42 (35-45), the Fibrinogen 2, 0 (norm or rate 2 4 g/), XII and a dependent fibrinolysis 13 minutes (norm or rate 10 12 minutes), AVR the plasma rich with thrombocytes 76 (norm or rate 40 70), AVR plasmas, poor thrombocytes 120 (norm or rate 60 100), the Index of activity 3 f-ra thrombocytes 42 (norm or rate of 20 35 %), Thrombotest YI (norm or rate YI), the Test In a naphthol on RFMK + ++ ++ + (norm or rate +), Test O-fenatrolinovyj on RFMK 0.16 g/l (norm or rate otr.-0.09 g/), Aggregation of thrombocytes UIA 10 (norm or rate 14 16), Ristomycinum 12 (norm or rate 14 16). How it is possible to comment on results? From signs - frequent nasal bleedings, longly heal everyones ranki and scratchs, a low hemoglobin. In advance I thank.

Doronin V.A.
14.08.2004, 08:20
The basic parameters of a coagulogram normal. Attracts attention povyshenno the maintenance or contents soluble fibrinmonomernyh complexes (RFMK). It often happens at any inflammatory process, as a rule acute.