Просмотр полной версии : I address to you, as to the broad specialist. Prompt to what vr...

Alexander Dubinsky
07.08.2004, 14:33
I address to you, as to the broad specialist. Prompt to what doctor costs or stands will address for inspection zheludochno-an intestinal tract? Has put here in what when we with friends get drunk the amicable company at anybody there is no such long and serious hang-over (a vomiting during day). What expert is capable to acquaint me with features of my stomach or belly?

The anonym
09.08.2004, 05:30
To the expert in narcology, the allergist and the gastroenterologist. And also to the dietarian, the psychologist and genetics.

Zholudev A.A.
10.08.2004, 07:44
Dear Alexander! It not seems to you that easier what to drink? Or you from those who attacks the same raker infinitely? But, in other, this your private affair. Probably your status is connected with insufficient development or manufacture alkogoldegidrogenazy. It is enzyme participating in splitting alcohol. Presence fermentopatii also can cause a picture of a drunkenness. To address it is necessary to the gastroenterologist.

Alexander Dubinsky
11.08.2004, 01:12
My problem here in what, I nemogu to tell or say "is not present", I am afraid to offend friends or fellow workers. How the diagnosis gastrointerologa with which I can be covered from pnki will sound?

The anonym
11.08.2004, 13:39
Stomach ulcer and 12 ti perstnoj intestines. Threat of a bleeding.

Gusman M.A.
12.08.2004, 15:33
That that at you Is called Syndrome Mellori-Vejsa

Zholudev A.A.
14.08.2004, 05:33
Dear Alexander! Not absolutely clearly, why your friends should take offence. Drink juice, what for to force the organism. Or " the insult of friends " is an excuse or a help for itself? Each person should be able argumentirovanno to defend the interests. Really difficultly simply to tell or say is not present? Eventually it is possible to replace the company.