Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me 24 years. At me 1 group of a blood with negative re...

12.08.2004, 23:54
Hello the doctor!
To me 24 years. At me 1 group of a blood with a negative rhesus. To me speak, that it will be difficult to me to become pregnant, if the group of my husband will not coincide with my group, and, that it is necessary to be careful of abortions then I cannot have the child including a hemotransfusion. Whether I would like to know the truth it? And that I still need to bypass, that I had not to suffer and regret about made.
In advance I thank!

Doronin V.A.
13.08.2004, 06:42
The group of a blood does not influence process of pregnancy. A rhesus the conflict (if at the child rezus-positive group of a blood) vozmozhet. That it or this to avoid, with the preventive purpose it is entered antirezusnyj an immunoglobulin.