Просмотр полной версии : What is it such??? Infernal scelalgias do not allow to sleep. Begins so: I lay down...

10.08.2004, 03:02
What is it such??? Infernal scelalgias do not allow to sleep. Begins so: I go to bed, the left foot starts to grow dumb. On a knee fold of a leg or foot (behind) there is any morbid point. In a leg or foot, from a hip joint up to a foot, a sharp throbbing pain.
If to rise, the pain gradually passes or takes place, in a leg or foot prickings as if or as the leg or foot has become numb begin. In the afternoon very well, but periodically there is a throbbing pain.
Traumas was not, all has begun unexpectedly. The therapist has told or said, that representation has no, what is it such.
What to me to do or make? I four day did not sleep Help or Assist, please!

10.08.2004, 16:07
You should address to the neurologist

Zholudev A.A.
12.08.2004, 12:26
It is not enough information. Begin with the neuropathologist but, probably, consultation of the vascular surgeon is required also.