Просмотр полной версии : Dear Lyudmila Mihajlovna! I and did not receive from you the answer in occasion of at...

05.08.2004, 07:04
Dear Lyudmila Mihajlovna! I and did not receive from you the answer in occasion of the use of a protein at escalating muscular mass at a scoliosis. All pictures are, treatment LFK did not help or assist. Now continues to be engaged by a technique, given to her in center Dikulja. From conference, on our question on the use of a protein recommended to us you have responded:
How much years of your daughter? I have not understood your question to you any doctor a little has not advised preparations of a calcium? If your daughter of teenage age at this age skalioz it is caused in 99 % juvenilnym by an osteoporosis - a failure of entering of a calcium, and without the use 1500 - 1800 mg of a calcium day exercises muscles cannot help or assist your daughter. First of all it is necessary to provide adequate enterings of a calcium with nutrition, then it or him usvaivaemost, and a metabolism.
Really, about an osteoporosis we hear first time? Any doctor this question not podymal. To the girl of 17 years, now studies in Moscow. Can where in this occasion it is possible to receive consultation and corresponding or meeting inspection. I shall be very grateful for attention to our urgent problem, t. To we do not receive while result from our efforts even the unequivocal answer to a question what to do or make. At all experts the different answer!!!
Lyudmila Mihajlovna! I am very grateful to you for the answer Yes, really, about it or this speech NEVER went, t. e. About the strengthened use of a calcium also that the reason on 99 % - juvenilnyj an osteoporosis. But cottage cheese at us always was in a ration of family. One doctors spoke, that vooobshche the reasons can be much, others, that badly sat also weak muscles, the third, that the reason of this disease till now is unknown. One suggested to send in Pavlovsk and to chain in a corset what we at once have refused. We have followed doctors with other opinion that it is necessary to work with muscles that they have put a backbone on a place. Only one doctors, again taki, spoke, that it is necessary to develop one party or side, and others, that it is necessary to work as symmetric exercises and to increase, increase muscular mass... To outstrip undesirable processes of rough teenage body height. There were we and in arms or hand of the expert on manualnoj terepii Sankt - Petersburg school Bobyrja, he "approximately", to us has established or installed a difference in length of legs or foots, followed its or his references and visited or attended it or him manualnye sessions the whole year. Its or his last reference to increase a support in footwear by 1 mm us has made sober. Last our attending physician - manualshchik has noted stabilization of process, but for escalating muscular mass rekomendval the use of a protein. Then we have addressed in Center Dikulja for correct orientation and selection of exercises. Olga there has passed or has taken place a course, has mastered the complex of exercises recommended to her and goes now to an exercise room independently. To her now 17 years, and have started to be engaged in a problem on detection skalioza in 15 years. With 4 h years stood on the dispensary account on a pyelonephritis - there was an operation on a ureter. Anybody noticed nothing, including we, parents, the problem has come to light as - that UNEXPECTEDLY and SUDDENLY. Family at us sports enough - we like productive leisure on the nature. To her have forbidden to visit or attend pool, but to float she has learned during our campaigns on bajdarkahju skates, on a bicycle, t. e. The girl sports enough. Help or assist us to understand, t. To. I till now why - that was NOT confident, that we do or make EVERYTHING to solve our problem, and time leaves. The daughter now studies in Moscow in MPGU, she could approach or suit with all pictures and t. d on consultation. Very much I hope for your help. Volumes My address for correspondence: gusi2000@pisem. net
I shall search for the answer and on 03. ru
On last inquiry the answer did not receive, so I repeat. Excuse, that so has much written.

Shapovalova L.M.
06.08.2004, 11:19
Hello, Tamara. Really surprising history - is so much experts, and obvious things are not worked. Time really leaves, as the density of an osteal tissue reaches or achieves the maximum by 18 years, and then can decrease only. Cottage cheese here to not help or assist - 100 cottage cheese contains all 90 a calcium to type or collect norm or rate it is necessary to eat about two kg a day. I shall necessarily contact you by mail.

The anonym
07.08.2004, 16:22
Calcium TJAn-SHi is well acquired only: he organic.

Shapovalova L.M.
09.08.2004, 03:06
To the ANONYM: I result or bring a synonym of its or his retort: " is more sweet MORKOVKI than ANYTHING is not present: she FROM the PURE or CLEAN GLUCOSE ". And for the information or inquiry to all ljubiteljai a "organic" calcium from an osteal tissue I remind, that a calcium name an inorganic matrix of a bone and I cite the textbook: " Crystals gidroksiapatita a calcium: ([33 (4) 2. Sa (HE) 2 and 33 (4) 2. 3. 2]), settling down between fibers of a collagen, interfere with compression of an osteal tissue ". I hope though the formula to read through be able? Ksli there is no that look explanations in the school textbook of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY!!!