Просмотр полной версии : Hello, it is possible and whether it is necessary for the two-year-old child to use vitamins, with...

05.08.2004, 03:56
Hello, it is possible and whether it is necessary for the two-year-old child to use the vitamins containing an iodine? We live in district with deficiency of an iodine. Thanks.

08.08.2004, 16:33
Hello, Marina. The iodine is very important for normal function of a thyroid gland. If the child does not have problems with a thyroid gland (and the endocrinologist can check up it only vrach-), that is sense to spend on drink the vitamins rich with an iodine. As there is preparation Jodomarin 100, is applied at deficiency of an iodine in water and nutrition. For the child a daily dose of 50 mg (1/2 tablets). Health to you and your child. Yours faithfully, Svetlana Vladimirovna.