Просмотр полной версии : Kind night! Would like to learn about a preparation "vobenzim..." For what and as e...

02.08.2004, 05:57
Kind night! Would like to learn or find out about a preparation "vobenzim"... For what and how it or him to accept? In advance I thank.

05.08.2004, 16:22
Hello! oksigrissant natural enzimnyj a preparation adjusting or regulating key physiological and pathophysiological processes in an organism of the person.

Antiinflammatory or Anti-inflammatory
Antiedematous or Antihydropic
Acting in an organism, enzimy are soaked up in a thin intestine by rezorbtsii intact molecules and, contacting transport fibers of a blood, get in a blood flow. Indications: Atopichesky a dermatitis, a pseudorheumatism, extraarticular rheumatic disease, Bekhterev's illness or disease, a multiple sclerosis, acute superficial thrombophlebites, posttrombotichesky a syndrome, a vasculitis obliterating a thromboangitis, acute and chronic inflammations of the top and bottom respiratory ways, illness or disease the Crone, a pancreatitis, a ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic inflammations of genitourinary system, a mastopathy, diabetic angiopatija, a diabetic retinopathy, an occult diabetes, an autoimmune thyroiditis, traumatic damages of bones, joints, soft tissues, posttraumatic edemas, oncologic diseases, plastic and reconstructive surgery, an ischemic heart disease.
Prophylaxis of disturbances of immune system, the clottages, relapsing phlebitises, lymphatic edemas, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and poststressic disturbances, an insult, an infarct, development of virus infections and their complications, including at surgical interventions, at carrying out himio-or radial therapy of oncologic diseases, by-effects at carrying out of replaceable hormonal therapy and hormonal contraception, adherent or adhesive and clotting diseases (at surgical interventions).
Contraindications: the Hemophilia, a Werlhof's disease. An individual intolerance of a preparation.
Application at pregnancy and feeding by a breast: Pregnant women and feeding mothers should accept oksigrissant with usual care for this status.
Side effects: minor alterations of a consistence and a smell of a feces, dermal rashes (urticaria) were on occassion observed.
Interaction: Raises or Increases concentration of antibiotics in a blood plasma and the center of an inflammation.
Way of application and dose: Inside, for 30 mines up to meal, not getting to the core, washing down with a glass of water (150 ml) - on 3 10 tab. 3 of time in day. At high activity of disease - on 7 10 tab. 3 of time in day during 2 3 ned, then a dose reduce up to 5 tab. 3 of time in day within 2 3 months At average activity of disease - on 5 7 tab. 3 of time in day during 2 ned, then - on 3 5 tab. 3 of time in day during 2 ned. To rising efficiency of an antibioticotherapia and prophylaxis of a dysbacteriosis apply during all course of an antibioticotherapia on 5 tab. 3 of time in day. After the termination or discontinuance of a course of antibiotics for restoration of a microflora (biocenosis) of an intestine - on 2 3 tab. 3 of time in day during 2 ned. As therapy of covering during carrying out himio-and radial therapy - on 5 tab. 3 of time in day before end of a course. With a view of prophylaxis of diseases and improvement of quality of a life - on 2 3 tab. 3 times day, a course - 1, 5 mes, with repetition 2 3 times a year. At chronic diseases oksigrissant it is possible to apply long courses from 3 up to 6 mes and more.
Safety measures: In case of occurrence of by-effects, allergic reactions to cancel reception of a preparation and to address to the doctor.
Special indicatings: At infektsionno-inflammatory diseases does not replace antibiotics, but raises or increases their efficiency and reduces by-effects. Yours faithfully, Vadim Viktorovich