Просмотр полной версии : To the child 2 years. There was a strong rhinitis and tussis (sopli In a throat). A rhinitis almost...

03.08.2004, 22:21
To the child 2 years. There was a strong rhinitis and tussis (sopli
In a throat). The rhinitis has almost passed or has almost taken place, but coughs
Cannot otkashljatsja as the adult person. Gave lineks, a radish with honey, sugar candies of a sage, a nursery
Dry mixture. Advise please, than to clean or remove these or it sopli from a throat.

05.08.2004, 01:34
Hello alex. I hope you showed the child to the doctor, and were convinced, that inflammatory process has not mentioned or touched lungs and bronchuses. If there it's OK, give the child vegetative syrup Tussamag on 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Tussamag will reduce viscosity of a bronchial secret and will allow the child to clear the throat normally and will restore normal respiration. For treatment of a rhinitis it is possible to use a colloid silver, Protargolum (it is possible to buy or purchase in industrial drugstores) or Akva-maris. Yours faithfully.

05.08.2004, 11:35
Many thanks