Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 36 years. I why that thin. In city everyone ask m...

30.07.2004, 16:06
Hello! At me 36 years. I why that thin. In city everyone ask me why you such thin? But vachi too cannot answer this question normally. Body height 175, and weight of 59 kg. Oppetit it is normal. I eat 3 times a day. I would keep that vitamins (ovoshchi-fruit) on to eat more. But it is useless. The weight does not vary. 7 8 hours per day sleep. But I rise not vigorously. Year for a year I feel weak. Quickly I get tired. How to me to be? That to eat or drink to recover?

Zholudev A.A.
31.07.2004, 05:58
Dear Adalet! It is necessary to specify komplektsiju your parents. Be checked up on eggs of helminths, diseases of a thyroid gland.

31.07.2004, 19:43
Hello the dear doctor! With a holiday you! The father was healthy and all at it or him was normal. Mother too most. From 4 eh children only I such thin. Nothing has shown the analysis of a feces. I think at me an intestine neperevarivajut as it is necessary. Or the immune system can. But I do not know! The some people doktory speak that as though at me the constitution such.

Zholudev A.A.
01.08.2004, 15:10
Dear Adalet! Against the constitution you will not trample. Live easy. The exchange and weight with the years will decrease will increase or be enlarged. Among long-livers there is no full. Thin live more longly. Happy New Year you!

Zholudev A.A.
02.08.2004, 03:05
Dear Adalet! Against the constitution you will not trample. Live easy. The exchange and weight with the years will decrease will increase or be enlarged. Among long-livers there is no full. Thin live more longly. Happy New Year you!